when i was about to leave

Well, folks, I’m leaving. Actually, I’m leaving in about 4 hours, but I figured I’d go ahead and post while I was thinking about it XD

I’ll be back on June 1st or 2nd, I’m not sure which. I don’t know if I’ll have net access (I’m not sure if my grandfather has figured out his new laptop enough to have it!), but if I do I’ll try to come by and post here to let everyone know what’s up.

Hopefully. I’ll also finish up the Spring Break request and finish the inks on the requests from the Ebay auction a while back while I’m gone. And finish SunDowner 1, start SunDowner 7, and another project. I’m looking forward to next week XD

If you’re going to be at Animazement this weekend, I’ll be there all 3 days – tomorrow I’ll be dressed as Selphie, saturday I’ll be dressed as Beatrix, and sunday as bat burglar Sakura! I won’t have SunDowner 1 with me, obviously, but I’ll probably have a sketchbook on me at least šŸ˜›

>Well, I know it’s going to be hard to live without me for a week, but do, please, try to go on with your life!