when I annoyed indy

Indy must think I’m so annoying! She’ll be sleeping in the living room, curled up under a blanket on the couch, when suddenly I come stomping in, turn on all the lights, take a look at her and shrill, “AWWWWWWW how sweet!”
She always give me this kinda side-ways glance when I do that.
Or at night. She sleeps with me. I think at least every half hour I shift and make her move. (I’m not a very quiet sleeper, half the time I end up on the floor at one point or another). Poor thing. Having to put up with an owner like me.
I need to buy her a Christmas present. Mom always gets so mad ’cause I spend so much on her.
I probably spent over fifty dollars on her last year. I mean, a fleece coat for a dog. Yes, she’s skinny and shorthaired and gets cold easy, and it looks sooo cute on her, but… come on. A fleece coat for a dog. I’m probably going to get her little doggie boots to wear next… I can just see that… hehehehehehehehe….