Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 7

Part 7 of my vacation sketchbook!

Text: “8:30 sat morning having brekkie at Hazel’s Nook”
This picture is OK. I need to practice Qudiar more.

Text: “8:39”
This picture is boring and plain…. but it does look like her.

I like this picture of P his. Only problem, he looks too nice. Or something.

This one was rushed, cause I wanted to draw something else. You can definitely tell I rushed the hair.

Text: “11:55 on the road again… very bumpy road!”
This one was rough drawing, and it’ll be rough colouring… the five main characters in their rented car on the way home. Or to the beach. I haven’t decided if they’re coming or going ^^;; Bet you didn’t know Ocha had to wear reading glasses, did ya? Bet ya don’t care either!

Text: “12:30”
An extremely creepy looking Lir. She’s freaking me out, man!

Text: “12:45 I’m hungry where’s lunch? we just missed our turn AGAIN! same place, again!”
Madison as an old pilot, with the goggles and scarf and all XD I really like his face here. Uh, as you can see it’s not finished because… I need references.

Text: “12:59 PURVIS! We are in PURVIS!”
Han Solo. His face is a bit scrunchy. I’d have never finished this if Ashley hadn’t had her little sketchbook with her. She’s had that thing for like, two years, and there was an old old pic I had done of Han in it, so I actually had a reference. Did that make sense?

Text: “1:08 Dandy Dan’s!”
Been a long time since I drew them, I’d almost forgotten! Elena’s hair looks weird AS USUAL. I could never draw her hair right. Rude’s head looks weird. I forgot Reno’s sunglasses and he didn’t look right, but then I remembered them and everything was OK.