meet agent dale cooper

Saturday I said goodbye to my old Honda Fit... And said "HELLO!" to my brand new mini cooper! OH MY GOD it's so cute I can't stand it. I'm currently sitting with naming it Agent Dale Cooper and calling it "Coop." I did also test drive the larger countryman version, and it drove pretty much the same, but at the end of the day I liked the look of this ...

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im great at doing stuff

Sorry I'm a day late! Chase just sent me the pics he took of my Valkyrie costume Saturday last night so I wanted to wait til i had those to post. But before i get to Valkyrie let's rewind to last week! First up look at all this fabric I donated! I was able to give all of this to an art teacher who has a sewing machine in her ...

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Dragoncon 2023 – the costume recap

Ok so to keep my Dragoncon recap free of long paragraphs about costume minutiae, I decided to just make a separate post. 1. 18th Century Barbie Like I said in the main recap post, it was really nice to get to bring this costume back after it had such a disastrous debut at Dragoncon 2015. Literally I nearly had a panic attack wearing it at dcon 2015 - it was too hot, it ...

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the wrong damn girl in the wrong damn room

Not much in the way of wedding dress Leia progress this week - the only thing I did was sew the 2 back panels together and gather the upper edge. Yes that's all I did in a week. Why? Because I decided to complete clean out and clean up my sewing room instead. Avoidant behaviour. Last week I posted a pic of the little new storage drawer thing I got for ...

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vacation happy to get away

I'm back from vacay and feeling...tired and anxious LOL So let's start with the sewing update since there's not a lot to that (since I wasn't sewing this weekend obv) Like I said previously I'm making this Leia dress in 2 pieces - dress and cincher. I just think it will look best. Last week I got the basic interior pieces of the cincher cut (sized down from an underbust ...

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im tired of my winter clothes

We get one nice day and then a storm blows in and makes it cold again. Had to wear a sweater to Easter. Can't remember the last time I had to wear something warm on Easter. Like the title says, I'm really tired of my winter clothes at this point and I'm ready to move on to shorts for a few months ok? Also this post is coming to you ...

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2021 Wrap-Up

omg hi I haven't posted this week. I was trying to wait til I had all the new photoshoot pics uploaded, and now that I've got them I'm like... augh I haven't done my wrap-up post for this year! So I'm doing this first instead of a regular post and I'll do a post about Christmas next. So at the end of 2020 here's what I wanted to accomplish in 2021: 1. Star ...

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no time off for good behavior

October has really gotten away from me. Here it is less than a week from halloween and I still haven't even finished decorating. We have made good progress on the tombstones for the yard though. Here's one with the text dremeled out: And painted up: Chase glued the stands on this morning, so they should hopefully be ready to go in the yard tonight. Along with the other yard decorations. ...

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now dont close your eyes and dont try to hide

Fall is finally here, I'm bundled up in the baja sweater I got in arkansas, sweatpants, house shoes and a big blanket today. It's a bone-chilling 57 degrees out right now LOL. Speaking of the baja sweater, I have realized I am slowly falling back into my 1995 fashion of over-sized XL fandom tshirts, hoodies and baja sweaters. If I start adding in giant bell bottoms again, someone stop me. I've spent ...

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here we are again

Another week of fresh hell. I'm so tired of this timeline. But in good news my parents are getting their vaccine today and we have our second shot scheduled for this Saturday. Yay, I guess. I mean I'm glad to have it but the doom-loving news just keeps telling us that nothing will ever be back to normal even with a vaccine so I kinda just want to jump off ...

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