
Sorry for the lack of postings lately. Nothing much has been going on. I'm going to go belt hunting this weekend for Lulu. Wish me luck. OH! Oh! There's an excellent chance I'm going to Dragoncon now, with Cath. Yay :) I'm trying to think of a costume to do for it (only one, I'll rewear other stuff. I'm doing enough as it is for animazement and otakon). I'd prefer it ...

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Dragoncon suggestions

There's a good chance I'm going to DragonCon this year. It was sort of a sudden decision between Cath and I... she can't go with us to either Animazement or Otakon, so I brought up dragoncon... it looks *really* cool, with a lot of really neat guests and events. I was thinking of costumes... right now I'm working on Xiaoyu 2p (tekken3), lulu, and misato for animazement, and urd, ocha ...

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when i tried to get cath to go to dragoncon

Errr what? april fool's already? damn. I don't have anything planned, sorry. Go about your business. I'm trying to get Catherine to go to Dragoncon with me. I've always wanted to go to that, it seems so cool. I wish she would.