Dragoncon 04 pics from EBK!

From Al 🙂

my hair totally fell. Oh well

Anna… yeah, not much new there. There was a really good one in the masq – I wish I’d gotten a chance to talk to her! Her costume looked awesome.

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Ash, her mom, my mom and me 🙂

Padme’s battle suit…

Arwen and Figwit… she’s not really Figwit, but whatever

My rebel legion tattoo – Dude, that thing still wouldn’t come off after a WEEK!! I still have pieces of it there

AHH! I’m being attacked by my hair!!!

Traitor! I wore my Rebel Legion shirt under my uniform, ha, ha 😀

It was odd, at SDCC, *everyone* called me Dark Phoenix. At Dragoncon, I got called ‘Jean Grey’ a *lot.* Also, ‘Fire Phoenix’ and ‘Black Phoenix.’ Strange.

yay 😀 For once we didn’t have to hide our bag – it matched our costumes!

It was a blast going with the moms – they looked so cute in their hobbit costumes! I was very proud of the feet I made for them, too, although they looked gross on the bottom by the end of the con.