worldwide epiphany

Did I sew this week? LOL NO

I do have a little sewing project I need to get started on this week that is not Shin or Baylan capes, so I’ll probably at least get everything back in the attic space and look over my fabric remnants to see if I’ve got enough to do it or if I need to go shopping.

So Chase and I have made some convention plans.
We’ve decided not to do MCX at the end of this month. It’s the weekend before we leave for the concert, so we decided it would be better for us to not spend the $100+ on tickets, parking, etc to go and save it for the next weekend. Also – we really don’t want to get sick right before the concert. So it bums me out because I really wanted to see MCX at the new bigger location! But we’re going to do a photoshoot that day instead so I’ll at least still get some new photos. I do still plan to have the Shin and Baylan capes done for that.

So that means we are done for the year in terms of conventions. There’s still MCFC next month but by that point we’ll probably again be in savings-mode for Disney so that’s not likely, unless we manage to win tickets LOL.

We also decided a while back we aren’t going to do Huntsville Expo again next year. We’ve really loved doing that con the last 2 years but just kinda feel like we got everything out of it we can. I’m going to keep my eyes peeled for another con in the March-May timeframe that is within driving distance for us. I wish Visioncon would come back, I always wanted to do that one again.

So it may be that we don’t have another con on the books again until Dragoncon next year – which, if you read my post from last week, you may have noticed I mentioned the “anxiety inducing thing” and that was the Marriott Hunger Games wednesday last week. For some reason I don’t like to talk about the hunger games until they are over, it’s like Voldemort LOL

As usual the Hunger Games were effed up as it seems like they only loaded king rooms on the site and no doubles. Chase and I were both on an hour before drop time and I had 6 devices going. Chase had the earliest queue time and was in about 2 minutes before me, and there was nothing. Every once in a while a room would pop up but it would be gone before you could put it in your “basket” and you’d get an error. So Chase called, and thankfully succeeded that way.

And succeed we did because we got not 1 but 2 rooms! Because my parents are planning to go next year! I’m so excited! Mom hasn’t been since 2004 and dad hasn’t been since 2002. And oddly enough this will be the first con that I’ve attended with both of my parents? LOL When I first started traveling to cons, one of them would go with me and the other would stay home. Like dad did Animazement with me, mom did Katsucon, etc. The only time I can remember them both going was Anime Expo 2003 – because we treated that like a family vacation. But they didn’t come to the con at all, they did touristy stuff with Ash’s parents while Ash and I did the con. So I’m excited for them to finally both attend a con with us! We’re trying to come up with a costume group all 4 of us can do.

In other news…

Look at this relic I found!! I think this was my last phone before the iphone. I was trying to find the remote for our LED lights and found it in a drawer.

Friday night we went out to dinner with my parents and went to see Todd Rundgren. We were in the first row!

It was a really great show. My parents have been Todd fans my whole life, so I grew up listening to his music.

Saturday Chase wanted to shoot video at a car show downtown.

We had breakfast at a bagel place and looked at all the fancy cars. It was way hot though and we were both exhausted and overheated by the time we were done and back in the car. Ended up taking like a 2 hour nap when we got home!

The fanciest car

Mom got me this jumpsuit – she has a couple herself and had loaned me one to wear to the funeral last month and I really liked it, so she got me one for myself.

Excuse the weird pose, I dunno why I’m holding my arm like that LOL
But it’s super comfy and I think I’ll bring it to disney. Thinking about a disneybound idea for it – it’s black with a tie at the waist. So characters who wear black, Black Widow? Darth Vader? Maleficent? Leaning towards Black Widow, I think making some Black Widow inspired ears to wear with it would be fun.

Sunday I cleaned. All. Day. Mopped the kitchen, scrubbed down the walls, cleaned out everything in the entryway, cleaned out the mail container, organized the cat food, organized the junk drawers, organized Chase’s coffee cabinet, and the kitchen closet. (Also cleaned out a few drawers in the living room while waiting on the kitchen floor to dry)

I didn’t quite get done, I’ve still got a few more cabinets and pantry to go through, but I really want to get a spice jar organizer and a pan organizer for those cabinets, and I’m waiting til wednesday to clean out the pantry so it’s the day before garbage pickup. After that I plan to tackle the laundry room.

Chase did a lot of yardwork while I was doing that so by last night we were both exhauted, so instead of cooking one of our homechef meals we went to cracker barrel.

Still haven’t gotten the rest of the outside Halloween decorations up – I’ve been waiting on Chase to mow the front lawn. He’s doing that tomorrow. But last night I did get my “sorta kinda” Haunted Mansion bride set up in the front window.

Using my mom’s old Civil War dress, the lace curtain thing the previous homeowners left here for a veil, a skull attached to the top of the dressform with cling wrap. I would like to get her an axe instead of the cleaver. I added the blue lights for eyes and a red one for the heart, but the blue “eyes” didn’t stay on, they were just taped. I think I may have to take the plastic wrap off the skull partially and install them under that to keep them taped on.

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