would’ve could’ve should’ve

Oh hi, I don’t have a lot to talk about this week, except that it was my birthday.

Nana brought me balloons!!

Chase got me the folklore vinyl and the Pat McGrath Taylor Made Lip kit (I used it friday night, it’s sooo nice, it might actually be the catalyst for me to finalllly throw away my ancient tube of Mac Russian Red and switch to this as my go-to red LOL)

And these cute patches and a Lavender Haze pin!

Friday night we went out to dinner at Second Line. I wore these little velvet heels with a bow I’ve had for years – they were originally mom’s and she gave them to me back in 2008 to wear with a black dress I wearing to some wedding event. I last wore them with the haunted mansion dress on the cruise earlier this year. Well as we were walking from the parking garage to the restaurant I could tell one heel felt “off” – looked at it and the heel cap had come off. Ugh. So after dinner walking back to the garage and now it felt like the other heel felt “off” – and su re enough the heel cap had come off that one too, sometime in that walk!
I still really like those shoes so I’m going to see if I can replace the caps, I found some tutorials and packs of caps online.

Saturday my car went in for its one year check up. It got a wash and an oil change. While they were doing that, Chase and I went to Sweet Musings for breakfast and looked at some yard sales.

Once we took my car back home, we went to drop off some donations, hit up some more yard sales, and then came home to do some house stuff and I got out Halloween.

I don’t have all the lights up yet, I need batteries to tell which strand is which first.

Dinner with my parents that night and we tried out the new Kyuramen. It was good, I finally got to have omurice, I’ve been wanting to know what that tastes like for ages. It was good but dunno that I’d get it again, it got a little one note after a few bites. Ramen next time.

Sunday morning I was jolted awake at 6:36AM because the people behind us let their dog out, who immediately started barking and didn’t stop for 3… freaking… hours. Actually it probably went on for 2 hours, that’s just when we left the house, because he was still barking when we got home. And the thing is, where we live, sounds travel really weirdly, so the barking echos, and we can hear it every room of our house. I already had a migraine so the barking did not help.

(“Why don’t you approach the neighbor and ask them nicely to take the dog in?” It’s the house behind us so we don’t know these people, AND they have some “art” of a weapon on their front porch, so no, we are not going to knock on their front door.)

Anyway, Sunday Kevin came over to help us pick up some sticks. Had a lot of little branches and twigs down from the hurricane that came through last week.

After that we had lunch (Kevin drank what was left of the Oreo Coke we tried LOL), we watched some youtube, tried to nap but everytime I closed my eyes the dog started barking again. Finally we left the house again and went to Best Buy and Target. Kevin got some Starburst gummies. Tried a new Mexican place for dinner that was meh. Spent the whole time trying to convince Kevin that RuPaul had bought his summer camp and was turning it into a drag camp. He did not believe me LOL

Dog finally stopped barking around 8:30. Went to bed early because my head hurt and I’d been up all day.

This week I’ve got to get into my sewing room and do some stuff, I’ve got to put stuff back in the attic space (a bunch had to come out, we had to have some HVAC stuff done, thankfully covered under our warranty), I want to get our Shin and Baylan capes back out and figure out where I left off there, and I’ve got to hem some pants. I said I was going to do that this past weekend, but obviously I did not.

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