wild & free teen angst morning

That’s my spotify daylist playlist this morning LOL “You listened to pop and delicate in the morning. Here’s some teen angst, teen rock, brat autumn, wild & free, do it for the plot, and teen pop.”

I had some weird dreams last night. I dreamt I was at the Hyatt at Dragoncon (only dragoncon in my head though, it didn’t actually look like the hyatt) and my costumes were spread out everywhere. Like every costume, there were parts like on display on a wall, all over the floor, and I was trying to gather them all up. My mom was there and helping me, and we were waiting on Chase to get there, so he could stay with the pieces we couldn’t carry while we carried what we could back over to the Marriott. And I was freaking out because it was the last day and way past check-out time. So Mom and I got the stuff we were carrying to the Marriott (again, it didn’t actually look like the marriott, my brain likes to make up the weirdest fake hotels). And Chase kept telling me it was fine, he’d talk to the front desk staff about why we hadn’t checked out yet.

And then there was something about an indoor roller coaster, and then I was outside a convention center, and there was like a shed, like one of those big sheds they have outside Lowe’s, and there was more of my costume bins in there. There were 2 other girls there and some of the other stuff in the shed was theirs (and at some point they became Karen and Georgia from MFM which is weird because i haven’t listened to that in years), so I’m trying to sort my costume bins from theirs, and for some reason some of my accessories are loose, and I was trying to gather them all up, and it was so frustrating, it was like never ending, I kept finding more things. Finally I made a pile of my stuff outside the shed and went to carry some of it back to mom, and then I was wearing my scarlet witch costume and I flew with my bins over the top of the convention center, and I was so frustrated by all this stuff and tryign to gather it all up I was crying I was I flew, and that’s when I woke up.

Having too much stuff and being frustrated about it is a recurring theme in my dreams. That’s why I’m doing a mega-clean out right now in real life LOL

Anyway, did I sew this weekend? YES! And did I get in costume this weekend? Also YES!

Friday ran out to buy some fabric and then Saturday I sewed from like 9 in the morning up to 3:30 in the afternoon, only stopping for lunch.

What was I making? Was I working on Shin? No, I was making jedi costumes for Skye and Walker LOL:

Mom texted me last week and was like, the dogs need jedi costumes, and I was like, bet.

I had a McCall’s dog costume pattern that was Elsa, Anna and Olaf. I used the Elsa version, just doing the cape and sleeves in brown for the “robe” and shortening the “dress” to be a tunic. I added the belt and made the little lightsabers. Also added white fur to the little hands o it would match the dogs.

I was sooo close to finishing them Saturday, I just needed to finish sewing the binding on the necklines, sewing on velcro for closures and finishing the lightsabers, but I just ran out of time. I got a little of it done yesterday, but we were busy yesterday so they’re still not done. Will finish them up today and maybe take them out to my parents tomorrow.

I had to stop at 3:30 Saturday so I could start getting into costume.

We went out to dinner with my parents and then went to ZooBoo. Chase brought his camera and got some pics of me, but haven’t gotten them from him yet. Here’s the single one from my phone:

My tiara felt funny all night and I felt like I kept having to readjust it. Finally when I took it off for the night I realized why – the headband inside had come unglued and all that was holding it on was the front magnet. No wonder it wasn’t sitting right LOL In the pic above you can clearly see the headband underneath because the tiara has shifted. Originally I had a fabric covered headband in there, but it broke. So I had to replace it back before the cruise, and I had this one that was the right size, but it was more like a leathery pleathery covered one. I didn’t want to spend money so I used it. I should’ve known the glue wouldn’t hold that material and would eventually fail.

There really wasn’t anything to do at Zooboo. So after we walked around a bit, saw the few animals that were still out, we left and went and got ice cream.

Sunday we went to Monster Market with Ash and Gabe, and to lunch and then ran some errands. We were both exhausted by the time we got home and crashed out for some long naps. Then I got up, did a few Halloween decoration things, and cooked dinner and I was done for the day.

Got this little ghost kitty, along with some stickers and a pin.

At Lowe’s, we noticed this little vampire snoopy in the display area, but none in boxes anywhere, so we asked if they would sell the display one, and they did, for half off!

Got to get another extension cord set up for him.

Last week we assembled this pumpkin tower – saw somebody else do this on tiktok, and thought it would be easy to do and cute for the porch. The original had flowers sticking out of each pumpkin, but since ours was outside, we didn’t want to A) spend the money on a bunch of fake flower or B) create a hiding place for bugs. LOL. I don’t love the white pole showing at the top, but it’s not that noticeable at night when all of the pumpkins are lit up (they each have a little remote controlled led light in them).

Another house project – when we first moved into this house in 2019 I got this really nice vintage National Parks poster calendar. I’ve saved it because I wanted to trim them down and frame them. I had an amazon gift card, so I ordered frames and yesterday Chase got them trimmed to fit:

Going to put them on the wall between my sewing room and work office on the catwalk.

And these are going up in the living room over the couch:

Hoping to get all that done in the next couple of days, and continue with the “spring” cleaning. I did a little bit in our bathroom last week, cleaning out the drawers and medicine cabinet. Next I want to finish the living room and dining room before I tackle anymore of our bedroom/bathroom.

I cleaned out the fridge and pantry last week and waited til the night before trash pickup to put it all out in the trash cart. Well guess what, the trash truck decided to skip our whole area last week so now we’ve had food trash sitting in the garbage can since Wednesday night in 90+ degree days. Lovely.

Starting to plan white backdrop shoots — I want to shoot them in 2s or 3s and not try to do more than that in a day because I always end up being too tired by the end and rushing and not being happy with the results.

So set 1 I think will be:
-Padme tatooine
-Honeymoon Leia

Round 2 will be:
-Mara Jade

Round 3 will be:
-star wars dress
-haunted mansion dress
-might shoot my 3 little knit outfits?

Round 4:
-Scarlet Witch disneybound (I want to make sleeves to go with it)
-Pirate Ariel
-Jedi Leia reshoot

Round 5 – reshoots or old stuff…
-TFA Leia maybe? I’ve never shot it with the newer underdress. Might save it for whenever I remake the outer dress.
-AOA Shadowcat maybe?
-I wonder if I could scrape Yuffie together enough for a shoot…
-Maybe Teela? Orko would need some repairs.

Round 5 will really be just wait and see how I feel.

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