Random costumey Thoughts

Random Thoughts:

#1 I need to take pictures of the Leia costume I made last year for Dragoncon and have never worn.
#2 I stumbled across the webpage of a couple of cosplayers and they made me feel OLD. I know I’m older than the average anime con attendee these days, but to actually see the years and to realise they were just little kids when I was in college… you know 🙂
#3 A story I was reminded of last night:
My scariest moment at a con, EVER.
Dragoncon 2003. I was wearing Ruby Heart. Ash and I were trying to figure out where/when a particular author signing would be taking place, and we saw a D*con staffer nearby talking to another attendee, so we went on over and stood next to them until the staffer was done talking and we could ask our question.
Well as we’re standing there, I glance sideways at he attendee the staffer is talking to. And I recognize her… and I am instantly filled with a terror I can’t describe! Why? Because that attendee was my high school algebra teacher. A woman I NEVER would have expected to see 3 states away, much less at a CONVENTION, like Dragoncon, and never while I was in costume. It was completely horrifying.

I tipped my hat down over my face and did a quick exit, leaving Ash there wondering where I disappeared to.