Here are a few tutorials/how-tos I’ve done on my blog over the years – mostly Star Wars hair related but a few other things I’ve gone over in depth as well!

Princess Leia Hair Tutorials
       All of my Leia tutorials are now in one place at this link! That includes the buns, ceremonial, Hoth, Bespin, Huttslayer, and Endor. Plus a video on the 3 ways I’ve done the buns in the past!

Queen Amidala’s Parade Gown Hairstyle
       Photo walk-through on how I do this particular hairstyle with my own hair. See next link for the hairpiece I made later!
Queen Amidala’s Parade Gown – The Hairpiece!
       Tutorial on how I made my updated hairpiece for Amidala’s Parade Dress!
Mustafar Padme Hairstyle Notes
       Not a full tutorial, but some notes on how I personally did this hairstyle in 2006.
Donna Noble Make-up
        Some notes on how I’ve done my Donna make-up.
Constructing my Marie Antoinette Wig
        Photo walk-through of the construction of my Marie Antoinette wig.
Rogue Shoe Tutorial/Spandex Boot Covers
       A partial tutorial on how I made some spandex shoe covers back in 2006.
Orko (He-Man) Build Guide
        An illustrated guide on how I made my Orko prop back in 2003.
Making a Bodice
        Photo walk-through of building a bodice for my Wonder Woman costume in 2011.
Snow White Collar Attachment
       Notes on how I made the stand-up collar detachable from my Snow White bodice.

These aren’t necessarily tutorials, but for several years I did “FAQ Friday” where folks could ask me anything about costuming and I’d do a post about it! Some of them are helpful (hopefully), some of them are personal, some of them are just silly. When I didn’t have a question for the week I’d make up something fun.
I still do these for anyone who has questions, if you have a subject you’d like to see me do a post on, feel free to shoot me a question over on my instagram, my twitter or leave a comment on any of my blog posts.

(As a note, I don’t have every AMA post listed here anymore – just my favs! – but you are welcome to dig through the FAQ tag to find more!)

My 120 Cosplay Tips
       My favourite tips and tricks that I’ve learned over my 15+ years of costuming.
How I Learned to Sew
       Also the sewing machines & equipment I use.
How I Make So Many Costumes/Budgeting, Part 1
       People often ask how I’ve made so many costumes, and budgeting is a large part of it.
4 Tips & Tricks I Use to Save Money/Budgeting, Part 2
       I touched on budgeting in the previous article, and wanted to dedicate a larger article to it.
How I Choose What Costume to Make
       There are times it’s carefully planned… sometimes it’s not.
Finding a Pattern to Use
       The process of finding a “close enough” pattern to modify to use for a costume.
How to Transport/Travel with Costumes
       My thoughts on flying & driving with costumes, and shipping them as well.
Costume Storage
       Or, how I manage to fit 200 costumes into my house.
Just How Many Costumes Do I Have?
       In which I finally sit down and figure out just how many costumes I have done over the years for myself.
How I Wear So Many Costumes at a Con (The Silly Version)
       Every year when I post my Dragoncon schedule, people ask how I wear so many costumes – the thing is, I really don’t do anything BUT wear costumes.
How I Wear So Many Costumes at a Con (The Serious Version)
       I wanted to answer the question in a slightly less silly way – this is legit how I wear so many costumes at a con.
Princess Leia Costumes for Beginners – Notes
       Some notes on my own experiences building these costumes.
My Basic Costume Essentials
       The handful of basic items I use over and over, tights, underwear, bodysuits, wig items.
Finding, Modifying, and Wearing Costume Shoes
       A big article on how I find shoes, how I modify shoes, and how I break in shoes for costumes.
General Wig Care & Styling
       Some notes on how I care for & store my wigs, and a little bit about what I use to style them.
Using Foam in Wig-Styling
       When I say I used foam to build-up a section of a wig, this is what I mean.
Body Paint
       My experiences with different kinds and ways of doing full body paint.
Shooting on a White Backdrop
       My husband and I have been doing photoshoots on a white backdrop since 2009, here’s how we do it.
Cosplaying and Migraines
       I have regular migraines that are a pain in the butt; I wanted to share some ways I’ve tried to get on with the show.
Convention Etiquette
       Cons can be REALLY fun but it’s still important to not act like a wild animal.
Convention Prep!
       My thoughts on preparing my costumes for a convention!
What’s in my Repair Kit?
       The items I ALWAYS carry with me to cons when I’m costuming in case of emergency repairs.
My Dragoncon Tips & Thoughts
       A large article with some thoughts, tips and tricks for people heading to DragonCon.
Renting Costumes/Why I Don’t Rent Out My Costumes
       I get asked if I will rent my costumes a lot, usually around Halloween, and the answer is no.
The Worst Costume Advice I Can Think Of
       I was tired of thinking up good advice.
Things You SHOULD say to Costumers
       The kind of comments we love to hear.
Things NOT to say to Costumers
       The kind of comments we hate to hear, or are sick of hearing.
18 Gift Ideas for Costumers
       A friend of mine once gave me a gift basket of sewing supplies and it was SO AWESOME.
The Costumes That Never Were
       Costumes I had planned to make, then never got to.
5 Things I Refuse to do for a Costume
       Did you know I refuse to wear contacts? Yeah here’s some other things I don’t do.
Why Some Costumes Only Get Worn Once
       Someone asked me why there are costumes I have that I’ve only worn once; here’s why. Also, why things get “retired.”
How Much Did That Cost?/Costume Estimates
       I often get asked how much a certain costume cost me; here’s why I can’t really give out a solid number.