when i made cosplay plans

All right, pardon me but I gotta spill a little cosplay talk into Whisky. Not because I want to annoy you, no, it's because I need your opinion! The costumes I'm planning for next year... er, THIS year are: Rally Vincent (mostly done, will be won when bored at AZ), Misato's NERV uniform (for MidSouthCon in march) She-Ra (MidSouthcon in march) Lulu (Animazement in May) Faye Valentine (Animazement) Xianhua (Animazement) ...

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when I made a cosplay survey

I hate having wet hair! Now I remember what I was going to do. I was going to comment on the poll so far. 1. Edea. I'm most likely going to do this for midsouthcon in march. I've always wanted to go as her, and I do NOT want to try to transport her big metal shoulder thing to an out of town con, so midsouthcon would have to be it... 2. ...

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when i got some money

*is scared of the HPart ML* too many rules sooo confusing ;_; I'm debating whether or not to go to work today... on one hand I don't feel like it. On the other hand, I don't feel like it. On the third hand, my mother will kill me if I don't go. Waha now that I got paid and part of my credit card is paid off, I can finally go ...

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