To-Do List 8/25/02

Updates: Amidala: -Finishing dying -sew arm rings in -finish arm rings -figure out hair -find some nice sandals to wear with it Shadowcat -make mask -finish shirt Ocha -Trim ear hair (lol) -Finish sewing socks onto the leggings (don't ask) -finish the blue vest. I just tried on my amidala dress and it's sooooo pretty! Only thing is I'm going to have to remake the necklace. Completely! Ugh. I made ...

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to-do list 8/19/02

Finished Ocha's white dress, except to put the buttons on and possibly take the waist up some more. Also started on Ocha's ears, and finished her wig except for some trimming I need to do. To Do List: Ocha: -Make blue top -Sew buttons on white dress. -Put buttons/ribbon on boot covers -Cut off leggings -Make armbands from the cutoff pieces of leggings -Finish & attach ears. -Figure out ...

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to-do list 7/7/02

Finished my Lina shirt. Bought a blue bikini bottom for shadowcat. Got Dragoncon plane tickets (completely set for Dragoncon... no going back now!) Got different yellow ribbon for the yellow bits on Urd... turned out I'd gotten craft ribbon the first time :P To Do List: -Make Lina Armour. -Attach cape to said armour. -Get three belts for Lina. -Make jewels and bracelets for Lina. -Attach fur to Lina gloves. ...

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