thank you for your preferences

Sorry for no post monday! Or yesterday. I may have to start moving my weekly post back because Mondays are becoming too hard. And then I forget. I HAVE been working on the site though, I have all the costume pages updated with their new photoshoot pictures and notes. Yay. Speaking of, here's a recap of the photoshoot pics I've uploaded since the last post. First up, She-Ra: I'm actually ...

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so long 2024

and don't let the door hit you on the way out So let's see what has happened since Thursday... Finished my new T'Lyn wig. It is VERY difficult to get on with the headband and ears all crowded up in the same area, but with Chase's help it works. I really just need some ear tips for Vulcan/Elf costumes that literally just fit on the very end of my ...

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it’s the 2024 costume wrap-up post

Finally! Ok as usual let's start with what I SAID I wanted to make in 2024 at the end of 2023, and see how I did: 1. Honeymoon Leia - YES! This was kind of a given considering it was mostly done when I made this list in December 2023. 2. Star Wars Cruise Dress - YES! Turned out so cute! 3. Baylan and Shin - YES! Though I still need to drag Chase in front ...

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Didn't post last week! Monday ended up being really busy. So let me try to remember everything from the last 2 weeks. This is why I try not to skip weeks LOL Friday night 2 weeks ago at 1am Chase was having a pain in his midsection and ended up doing a teledoc appt and the teledoc told him to go to the ER. So we went and sat in the ER ...

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dragoncon persists

Well I'm back from dragoncon. It was a weird time. Good? But weird. I felt off the entire time. I did a really bad job at taking pics of my costumes and I'm kicking myself for it now. I also had a ton of plans for videos and didn't do any of it. It was like I only had a finite amount of mental energy, less than usual, and I ...

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one day remains

Down to the wire here. The last week has been a roller coaster. I have a new boss. His style is totally spiking my anxiety. 2 meetings today in the midst of trying to get ready to be out of town. I do not think he understand my job/position in the company. I'm going to have to deal with this when I get back. (EDIT: I removed the paragraph about ...

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make the friendship bracelets

Whelp here we are about a week out and I am NOT DONE and not even the SLIGHTEST bit packed. Normally this point I've already packed the stuff that's done/older costumes but I haven't even gotten my bin out of the attic yet. I can't even get excited about con because I'm still in panic mode. I spent 3 days last week destroying my right arm to sew this cord ...

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get it hot like papa john

Sooo that was an interesting weekend. First let's go through Friday's to-do list and see what I got done: 1. Finish T’Lyn wig 2. Paint her ears to better match my skin tone, I tried them on and they are not a match. 3. Try on Taylor wig, cut bangs if needed? 4. Finish tacking the lining on the Taylor jacket 5. Stamp the Padme cape 6. Finish Baylan vest 7. Finish Baylan shirt 8. Finish Baylan ...

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to-do list update

It's a Friday update only because I need to get my to-do list in order and figured I'd make it public. I'll have more info and photos on Monday. T’Lyn: -Try on/style wig -print/paint badge -add blue stripes to boots (they came in and I love them!) Taylor: -reglue lost stones on -finish tacking lining on jacket -try on wig Padme: -stamp designs on cape (testing ink ...

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life was a willow

Sorry for no Monday morning post yesterday. I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety the past week. Not much more I can say at the moment. Been trying to keep my nose to the grindstone and my mind on other things. So the good news is I'm officially done with SEWING on 3 out of 5 of my Dragoncon costumes. Let's recap! Tatooine Padme: First up, I finally bit the bullet ...

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