shake it off

What a weird couple of days. Monday we went to the Tiger game. Fun times. I spent the last week slowly getting christmas set up. I told Chase I'm doing "Maximalist" christmas this year. Basically I have never put up ALL of our christmas stuff. I decided this year i was putting EVERYTHING out. Everything ended up being less than I expected. Really it doesn't look any different. It's all ...

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Disgust updates, etc

I finallllly got working on my Disgust costume again over the weekend. Well I worked on a little bit last week too, but that was mostly just finishing up the top, so it wasn't really worth posting about. I started working on the dress designs: I ran to Michael's saturday morning and grabbed some embroidery floss since as it turns out, I didn't have much in my stash that would ...

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Chase took some photos of my finished Belle dresses last night. We just set them up in the hallway (under the Belle portrait!) on the dressform. The blue dress: After I sent it in for a final try-on, I found out I was going to have to lose about 4 inches of length when I hemmed it. I tried to keep as much length tucked into the hem as possible (in ...

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Almost there…

I finished the ballgown over the weekend! Now where did I leave off.. First up, the real hoopskirt came in so I was able to switch out my stand-in for the real one.... it came just in time, they are shaped differently so that helped me gauge the gathering in the seams, and pinning the hem, Getting the two skirts put together and then pleated was a nightmare. It took ...

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Ballgown skirt

I was supposed to work on the shoulder pieces last night but I didn't. Instead I came home and sewed all the skirt panels together, gathered it (just as a test, I'll probably have to re-gather it later), and then got all of the skirt poof panels cut and sewn together (well, mostly, I still have two more in the back to add) I was just really excited to see ...

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Belle ballgown bodice progress!

Some more updates on the school play Belle costumes... I strugged with the bodice for the ballgown the past two nights - trying to get all 5 layers even and sized the same way was a nightmare. I also made the mistake of buying plastic boning for it - because obviously our stores here don't sell the spiral steel I usually use. I got it cut and in place... and just ...

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Belle Costumes

Yay new projects to talk about! I'm currently working on two Belle costumes for a production of Beauty and the Beast! My mom is doing the 3 dresses for Gaston's silly girls, and I'm doing the Belle village dress and ballgown. Week before last, we went shopping... starting with a disappointing trip to Hancock Fabrics. 4 in the afternoon, lines four people deep at the cutting table and the register, bolts laying ...

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