Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 5!

More of my vacation sketchbook! Text: "funilukin" "In case I grow an extra arm" "independantly stupid" I know I misspelled independantly again... I misspelled it when I wrote it in my book, so I probably did it again. I doodled ocha at dinner, then decided to go ahead and finish it. I originally planned for Quidar to be in there too, but I ran out of room. I asked my ...

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Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 4!

More from my vacation sketchbook! I got a pretty little pin with a loverly Drew Struzan Indiana Jones poster pic on it. It inspired me to do an Indiana Jones pic. This is still in rough sketch status, but I hope to finish it... at the moment I'm not too happy with it, I may erase and start all over :P A random Utena pic... I dunno... I may erase ...

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Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 3

More scans of my vacation sketchbook! My two characters Falco and Okechi, and then Piper and Qudiar's colour blocks at the bottom. I did this on our last day in Orlando ! PIper at Disneyworld. Just a goofy, quick thing. I got the castle off one of our shopping bags. Britan and Ocha, an extremely freaky Piper as a powerpuff girl ("I'm the stuff of nightmares! Whee!"), a little piper right ...

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Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 2

Part two of my vacation sketchbook! Text: "Draw something" "man hands" "17k" "go away" This started as just a Vash, but then I finished the random floating Britan head to the side, and it became Britan and Vash. I added the other main SunDowner characters cosplaying as Trigun characters at the top (along with Kuroneko). Madison doesn't really fit as Wolfwood... and really, I don't think Miles would be happy ...

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Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 — Part 1

This was my sketchbook over 2 vacations summer 2001! Since it's so many pages I am breaking it up into separate posts. Here's part 1! While on vacation in Disneyworld, the hotel would set out printed copies of pictures out of colouring books for kids to colour during breakfast. Since I had a shiny new box of crayons with me, of course I had to take a few! Belle and her Princess- I ...

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