that girl sheds like a labrador

THE PLAY IS OVER! It was really fun but I'm glad it's over! I totally stole the pic in my blog header because it was a great pic of the whole cast showing the whole stage. Program cover which I drew in case you couldn't tell. I had about 30 seconds of time onstage where I needed to look like I was doing something while sitting in a chair, so I ...

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so many puppy pictures

I hope everybody had a nice thanksgiving! Let's start off with my overdue Amidala photos. First, a few from the con. Fancy couch (I want one like this) I probably posted this one last week but oh well. And at Overton: "I want to take a picture in that chair" And now on with the show. Monday I finished up Ursula! Took it up to the school and thankfully it ...

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Friday was PUPPY DAY! I rode with my parents up to Nashville to pick up my new "little sister"! I got off work early Friday and drove on up to my grandparents in Jackson. Met my parents there and hopped in their car for the rest of the ride to Nashville. Got there at 6:30 and walked into a puppy paradise. My parents had to pick which one they wanted and ...

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