Finished Costume: Sana Kurata

I've finished my Sana costume and added it to my portfolio!

A-Kon 2003 pics!

A-kon! Ash and I won 2nd place overall. freak OUT. We were so tired and in so much pain (wigs, wings, what have you) that it didn't really register with us until sunday that we had won. Friday We left the house at 3:30 AM and drove to Little Rock. We got turned around and lost once in Little Rock, but eventually found the airport. No one in line, we walked ...

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when i posted some progress

and now some in progress costume pics... I've posted them before at my cosplay LJ but wanted to put them over here all in one place too. Ruby Heart - I still need to finish the hat. Nanami - basically finished in this pic, now completely finished. Sana-chan - finished!!!!! WHEE!! Oh yeah. I normally put blog on hiatus when I'm down to the wire before a con like this, ...

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when i was excited for akon

So Indy and I did the 3 mile walk for the Humane Society today. It was fun! There were so many other dogs, and I was worried about Indy being crazy and getting herself in trouble, but the only time she jumped at another dog and barked was when one got too close to me while she was in my arms. Otherwise she was fine. She really enjoyed the walk and ...

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Upcoming 2003 Schedules & Plans!

I would just like to say here that I do not want to be a babysitter and tour guide at Dragoncon. That is all. Anyway. Other than that, I'm SO looking forward to Dragoncon. FINALLY a convention where all 3 or us - me, ash and cath - are together. So, so excited. God, Cath is going to LOVE dragoncon. I already know me and Ash love Dragoncon :D I don't ...

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when i made a to-do list

I've been wanting to do a little daily comic strip, just a silly sort of thing... I may test run it next week while I'm gone in the daily sketch and see how it feels. The thing is - and the reason I've avoided doing comic strips - is that I'm not good at that punchline at the end it needs. If I practiced at it I could get better, ...

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