Photo dump

Here's a preview of some more photos from Saturday: (edit: photo link was broken and I can't find this anywhere anymore, so I removed it!) I didn't get any besides that uploaded - I was home sick from work yesterday so I pretty much slept all day. Anyway, as I've been going through my old hard-drives I occasionally come across stuff I never uploaded, or I haven't had uploaded in ...

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Old pics, part 1

I've been uploading some old costume pics from my external hard drive, just as a back-up, mostly. Some of them I haven't seen in YEARS. Heres a handful of ones I found funny or interesting; I'll just post a few now and some more later. This one cracks me UP because Kevin is passed out asleep behind me. This was his first con (mtac 04) - I guess it was really ...

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Sakura school uniform pics!

Finally took some pics of my Sakura school uniform!

when i finished my sakura costume

Hey Mariessa! No, I'm not planning on going to Anime Boston... I've already hit my limit on cons for next year. So far it's gonna be Katsucon (Crystal City, VA, feb 14-16), Project A-kon (dallas, tx, May 30-june1), Anime Expo (Anaheim, CA 4th of july weekend), MTAC (nashville, tn, no date set yet), and Dragoncon (atlanta GA, aug 30-sept 2 or something). When is the harry potter convention? Are dates set ...

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Amalthea & Utena updates

I finished Sakura, except I'm going to make some loose socks to wear with it. I got a pattern and fabric for Amalthea yesterday. I got some pretty light lavender satin for it... but they didn't have what we wanted of it - 4 1/2 yards. THey only have 3.75 or something. So I got that and decided to make the skirt less full. I found fabric for Utena's jacket, but neither mom ...

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Arwen is done, and Lum pic

Hmm... Is it crossplaying when you're cosplaying as a guy who crossdresses as a girl? Just wondering... On that note, I was rereading Ranma novels the other night... one day I might make an Ukyou costume. Ukyou is cool. Oh yeah Arwen is done. This weekend I am going to finish Sakura, too. Woo! Ooh look a new pic of me as Lum at Otakon! Hee I like this one ...

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Arwen mostly done

Arwen is mostly done. Haven't done the underskirt or hemmed the bottom of the dress yet, and I still have to make the white sleeves, but that's it. It's so pretty! Next we're going to get White Utena, Sakura and Amalthea done. Then concentrate on my two main costumes for Katsu.

Halloween 2002 Party!

The Halloween party is back. Yeah, it's really sudden. we're having it the weekend before. I'm wearing Arwen of course. Cath is reprising Sailormoon, this time with the wig and boots. Got cording and stuff for the white part of the sleeves for Arwen yesterday. Also red ribbon for Sakura... forgot to get stuff for boot covers for arwen.

To-D0 list 10/2/02

Finally got the pieces cut out for my Arwen dress. Whoo! We also decided not to use the same pattern from Utena's blue jacket for the white one I'm making. Instead I'm going to use the pattern we used for Misato. To-Do List: Arwen- *Sew the pieces together. *Dye gloves, cord, and lacey stuff. *Have dad help me make the belt buckle. *Look into making her necklace. Can't find the ...

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She-Ra progress…

I went to the fabric store the other day. Got a few little last minute things for She-Ra (I hope MidSouthCon is still going on, they haven't updated their page in forever and aren't responding to emails...) and some white material and red ribbon for sakura.