when i got burned

I bought this Super Sailormoon costume off ebay back in june, right? It was supposed to be my Halloween costume. It was premade but it looked like it would fit me. Well, come mid July and it still hasn't arrived. So I email the seller and ask what's up? A few days later I get an email telling me that her computer died and she's just now able to email ...

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when I got stuff in the mail

WOW! So much fun stuff in the mail today! First off, I got the Sailor Moon wig. Ok, so this didn't come in the mail, I went and picked it up from my aunt's office. But it's lovely. Such a pretty shade of blonde. It'll work well for both my Halloween costume and Cath's Sailor Moon costume from this yeah (which she plans on wearing again to a con in ...

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when we got a sailor moon wig

Oh my god :D I had the Sailormoon wig for my Halloween costume & for Cath's SM costume delivered to my aunt's office so it wouldn't have to sit outside by itself all day. I just got to listen on speakphone to my aunt trying the wig on, LOL... I wish I could have seen that :D

when i planned for mtac

Ha, ha, ha! We went over to Ash's grandparents and had dinner last night. Then we met up with my aunt and Kristie to see Cats and Dogs. It was cute... I liked the Ninja cats and the Russian cat. I'm going to reserve our room at the hotel for MTAC tomorrow. We learned some things at Animazement (and from our Orlando trip)... we're going up the day *before* it ...

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