New Photos!

I've been adding a lot of new photos over the past few weeks! I've got new pics for Batgirl, Ripley, Utena, and Belle's blue dress! And I finally finished adding pics from Halloween to that set in the events section.

2006 in review

At the beginning of the year I said I wanted to do: 1. Hoth Leia 2. Darth Vader 3. Padme's Lake dress 4. Bespin Leia 5. Finish Yuuko 6. Padme's Funeral Dress 7. Wonder Woman 8. The Bride 9. White Witch 10. Dorothy 11. ANH Leia 12. Team Zissou outfit So what did I finish? Hoth Leia? Yes, plus Bespin Escape: Darth Vader? Yes: Padme Lake Dress? Yes, twice!: Bespin Leia? Nope. Bought the materials, haven't touched them. Finish Yuuko? Somewhat - ...

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Finished Costume: Ripley

I've finished my new Ripley costume and have added it to my porfolio!

Wonderfest 2006 Pics!

Well, I'm back from Wonderfest. Unfortunately I didn't get to go to the Ren Faire as I woke up sick on Monday :( But we decided to definitely go next year, and to go earlier in May when it's cooler. Anyway here's pics and new costume stuff: Chase and I drove up Friday night - it was an easy drive, only about 2 hours through the countryside. We got there around 9:30. The ...

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Gentle Giant Leia Belt! and Ripley

Working on the Leia belt now. Here's a pic. I also put Ripley on and took a pic in the mirror, so here's a look at that.

Ripley and GG Leia progress

"Different" Leia: Need to cut the slits, hem it, and add the hood, and I decided to go ahead and make a new belt. Or at least try to before next weekend. Gonna hit Tandy leather today. Ripley: Got all my pieces, just start altering and putting them together. New ANH Leia: No progress... I need to get on it.