Sketchblog: Starfire

At work, Kevin wanted me to draw a picture of him. So I did. He had no idea he looked like Starfire. (Done with the only colour pens I had available.)

Sketchblog: Padme Concept Art

The original sketch for my concept art wedding Padme costume. The costume combined several aspects of various pieces of original concept art. Unfortunately my photo of it is a little blurry! Thankfully I have this scanned version saved in my reference here:

Sketchblog: Hermione and Krum

A shot of the linework from the Hermione and Krum piece I posted yesterday! (This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives.)

sketchblog: references

I don't necessarily know that this counts towards the sketchblog -- since I relied heavily on references for these two. But I needed do draw them out for future possible costume projects! Jack Sparrow and Megara. (EDIT: In 2016, I went back through old sketchbooks and found I'd also done a Bespin Leia costume sketch at the same time. The shot of it turned out blurry but I'm including it anyway!)

Sketchblog: Tohru

Costume reference Also, an important note?

Sketchblog: Graduating Harry

This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. I'm not sure if I was doing this as a graduation gift for someone, or just wanted to draw Harry and the gang graduating. (Of course now we know that never happened LOL)

Sketchblog: Utena

A rough little Utena sketch.