so long 2024

and don't let the door hit you on the way out So let's see what has happened since Thursday... Finished my new T'Lyn wig. It is VERY difficult to get on with the headband and ears all crowded up in the same area, but with Chase's help it works. I really just need some ear tips for Vulcan/Elf costumes that literally just fit on the very end of my ...

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A-Kon 2005 Pics & SDCC Plans!

First off - I actually won the Amidala Look a Like Contest at Cosplaylab. I couldn't believe it, there were so many good entries, and people I knew - I was hoping to get maybe honorable mention, but - yay! It made my weekend. SO I didn't get Yuuko *completely* finished - I'm going to get it finished for MTAC next year. I didn't attach the sleeves to the bodice, ...

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Katsucon 2003 Pics!

I'm still recovering from katsucon. But I did update the cosplay site, with new costume junk and a con report! There weren't many stories to tell, but you can read what I did those few days anyway. Belldandy came out much better than I expected. I was so frustrated over the wig I wondered if I would even wear the stupid thing at the convention. But it ended up being ...

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New Costume: Rally Vincent

I finished my Rally Vincent costume and have it added to my portfolio!

Finished Costume: Rally Vincent

I finished my Rally Vincent costume and added it to my portfolio!

Hermione and Rally pics

gads I'm tired!! I'll explain why later. Right now, gaze upon the glory of my Rally Vincent wig. Ok, so maybe it's not quite glorious, but I'm pleased with it! Also took new Hermione pics the other day. (ok so that's not crookshanks, it's mrs norris... but close enough!) There were also a couple of nice outside ones - it was cloudy and windy so it made the cloak look ...

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Rally Vincent wig finished

Mum and I worked on Xiaoyu some more today. We got the stripes put up the sides and around the bottoms. That's about it, and that took most of the day :\ BUT.......... I finally finished my Rally Vincent wig!!! Ok, so not completely finished -- I need to trim the back some more, it's a bit too long. But that'll take like, five seconds. I mean, I got the hard ...

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Lulu, Misato, Rally and She-Ra updates

We cut the pattern for Lulu's skirt today. As soon as my credit card payment clears, I'm going to buy the red material for Misato. Once that happens, I'll be on the way with everything for Animazement except Xiaoyu. How about an update? Lulu - have grey fabric, have fur, various bits of jewelry, and a wig. Patterns for everything. Still need to get thigh-highs, lots of belts, lacey bits, ...

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when i made cosplay plans

All right, pardon me but I gotta spill a little cosplay talk into Whisky. Not because I want to annoy you, no, it's because I need your opinion! The costumes I'm planning for next year... er, THIS year are: Rally Vincent (mostly done, will be won when bored at AZ), Misato's NERV uniform (for MidSouthCon in march) She-Ra (MidSouthcon in march) Lulu (Animazement in May) Faye Valentine (Animazement) Xianhua (Animazement) ...

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when i was mad at the mtac hotel

Well, until I finish my report (can't now, mom's on the computer I started writing it on), I'll just say a few things. I hate the Claritin (Clarion). MTAC staff & everybody at the con were friendly, nice and made the whole thing worth it. They rock. I still can't believe I won a prize in the cosplay! What did I win? A RED WIG!!! *ear-piercing squeal* I have been ...

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