when i got some otakon photos

My copy of Night Watch FINALLY got here!! yay! Pictures rescued off Kristie's film: Urd & Skuld: Urd, Skuld & Belldandy: Riding the water taxi! Getting tattoos Arwen photoshoot stuff! Dad's New Do: Dad's hair is longer than mine, and when I'm standing behind him at the computer I like to braid it. That day I got a little carried away and tried to fix it like Devil Hunter Yohko's. ...

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Otakon 2002 pics are up!

I'm alive!!!!!!!!! sort of. otakon report + pics are up. Anyway. I'm still not sure whether I won something at otakon or not. Very confused, I am. I've been working on dragoncon stuff. I start curling my ocha wig last night. Also got white fabric, blue fabric, white vinyl and yellow ribbons for ocha. I have everything I need for ocha. Mom says we can cut the pattern out tonight. Also ...

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back from otakon 02

yes, am dead tired. more than ever. feet still hurt. costumes good. no pics yet. managed to come home with more money than I took with me. comics came in. am too braindead to comment about them. will put up ordering info tomorrow....... before I go out of town......... again. *dies*

Otakon Plans!

Finished Lum! Pics soon. Ash and I are trying to enter the otakon friday costume contest... I really don't know why :\ And we just sent a really dumb question to the masq coordinator, heh...

when mema manned my art table

Um.... it rained a lot today I got Love Hina v2. Umm... yeah OH! haha!! Wanna know something kinda funny? My gramma is going to run my artist's table at otakon!! lmao, she said she didn't want to go around to museums with daddy bob and my aunt, so she said she'd sit at my table and sell my stuff while ash and I ran around XD I just think ...

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Post Animazement 2002!

Well guys, Animazement was pretty fun. I'll have my report and pictures up this weekend. I'm really pleased with how my pics came out, this time. I was also very pleased with my costumes! I'll update our Xiaoyu pages, my lulu page, my misato page, and we got new pics of Ash's Meryl and Ranma costumes. For Otakon, Ash and I have decided to try and make a Yuna costume ...

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when there was a creepy guy

Oooh my god Dad brought home Molly's for me last night. I ate waaaaay too much. They give you more food when you order it to-go... I saved some of the cheese dip and had it for breakfast. yum :D Got up @ 5:50 am this morning to take Kevin to school. (it takes him bought 20 minutes to get ready... they have a 7 start, but I get him there around 6:20, 6:30 or so ...

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Otakon 02 ahoy

YAY!!!! My aunt had been calling around in Baltimore trying to find a suitable hotel for us to stay at for Otakon. She'd called lots of places, and told me when she found one she was going to go ahead and book the rooms. Yesterday I realised something, I'd forgotten to tell her to make sure it was really close to the convention center, because we were going to have ...

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when i got some money

*is scared of the HPart ML* too many rules sooo confusing ;_; I'm debating whether or not to go to work today... on one hand I don't feel like it. On the other hand, I don't feel like it. On the third hand, my mother will kill me if I don't go. Waha now that I got paid and part of my credit card is paid off, I can finally go ...

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