Art Post: Ozma of Oz
Costume art reference for my upcoming Ozma costume!
Costume art reference for my upcoming Ozma costume!
We watched this video in class today. It was called Damnation of Faust, apparently it went along with an installation in a museum? I'm not sure. It was basically 15 minutes of kids in a playground. It was made in 1983, and it has all video effects that were hot that year, along with a soundtrack courtesy a Casio. I was seriously trying to watch it and make sense of it. But ...
wheeee. I was personality of the week at fansview last week... hehe Kevin Lillard is too nice :] HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY!!! Don't forget to wear green or I'll pinch you. Going to watch my dad's band play tonight. Then I'm staying at my aunt's to show her my pictures. Things to do: -work on comic stuff (x2) -work on Faust stuff -work on Paris studio stuff -get pics downloaded and ...
I'm home! Ok so I've been home all weekend, but I came home sick and jet lagged so I've been sleeping :D I'll go through the whole trip later, when I'm on the other computer where it's easier to type. I'm going to start downloading my pics tonight, too. I took around 600! The quick story, though: Paris was fun. London RULED. Friday: got there, went to Notre Dame saturday: Louvre, ...
Ok guys. I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll be back next friday (the 12th) I doubt I'll have internet access anytime while I'm over there - can't even check my mail on my phone! I'll take lots of pics with my new camera, of course. Kinda sad I'll be missing seeing Starsky and Hutch and Hidalgo this weekend. I wanted to see both! well they'll still be here when I get back. ...
oh yeah, look at this dork ACP has as the featured cosplayer this month. (I always say that, don't I? I need to come up with something new.) haha. yay :D And yes, omg I came in 2nd in the look-a-like contest!! I was in amazing company there !!
Man, who is not thinking here? I found cheapass tickets for Akon, so I'm going this year even after I said I wasn't. But they were sooooo cheap! Anyway - I made my reservations and everything before checking, and turns out it's the same weekend as HP 3 opening :( So I'm going to be at the stinky con instead of going to the movie with my friends. maybe there will be ...
dood I know I've been dead lately. things have been soooooooo hectic. I leave for paris in a week! geebus. but anyway, I wanted to say if you're a member of cosplaylab, you should vote in the belldandy look-a-like contest, because I'm in it and I'm up against some awesome Belldandys!!
GROUCHO IS HERE!! I've typing from my new laptop right now! The keyboard is taking some getting used to. yay yay yay yay
This was an experiment - I wanted to do a fanart in the same way I do my play posters. When I first read the HP books, I pictured my cousin as the Weasley twins. So I used him as a reference for this picture. I don't particularly like the CGing and I don't think the background is all that cohesive... I think if I want to use this style ...