when i got sims hot date

Well work today was really boring, but it wasn't so bad cause I was working at my aunt's office today. Still, it was very long and boring. I got off at 3:30 and went to Hancock's, cause I lost my Milly tie (which I was going to use as my Hogwarts tie), and I needed to buy some more fabric to make another. I was going to buy red fabric and ...

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when i worked on a bunch of stuff

I hate it when I update my elfwood galleries and it's not listed on the update page! Oy! I've worked all weekend on stuff for the con. Plus I'm studying for a test I have tomorrow, eeeek. I've been working on a very big picture of Vash to sell, it's about two feet tall and as of last night it officially killed my red prismacolour marker. Argh! So now I'm ...

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when i planned for mtac

Ha, ha, ha! We went over to Ash's grandparents and had dinner last night. Then we met up with my aunt and Kristie to see Cats and Dogs. It was cute... I liked the Ninja cats and the Russian cat. I'm going to reserve our room at the hotel for MTAC tomorrow. We learned some things at Animazement (and from our Orlando trip)... we're going up the day *before* it ...

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when i planned a photoshoot

Ugh, I don't feel like cleaning! This always happens, I come home for a trip, don't unpack, and end up having clothes all over the floor and a half empty suitcase sitting around. What a mess this place is! Ah, we are going to take new pics of my costumes tomorrow - Quistis, Sailorjupiter, Beatrix, Selphie, Sakura, and my new Milly from Trigun costume I just finished today! And even ...

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when we cleaned the attic

Yesterday was weird. I had the day off, but I since I was house-sitting/watching my cousin/cat-sitting, I was over at my aunt's house that night, and had to get up early to take my cousin to school. After dropping him off I came home and fell asleep on the couch. I knew my mom had the week off, she's on spring break this week. It wasn't until later ...

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when i was excited for con

I've been looking thru Convention photos at a Fan's View, and I just had to come over and say... GAAAAAAH I CAN'T WAIT FOR ANIMAZEMENT!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe *bounces around* This is going to be my first anime convention! I mean, I've been to the local comic convention, but that's not the same. It's really small. Not many people in costume either! I finally decided on Beatrix, Selphie and a Sakura outfit (...

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when I made a costume decision

Ok, I'm doing Beatrix and Milly, but I need a 3rd. I ran through the choices... Sailormoon costume: Did one already, don't really want to do another. Sailor Lead Crow might be fun, but a pain to make AND a pain to wear. Out. CardCaptor Sakura: I'm not cute enough to be Sakura. Plus I hate wearing dresses, especially feminine dresses, so that's out. I DID consider the outfit she ...

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when we decided to cosplay

Catherine and I want to do costumes together again this year, but we can't figure out what. Here were our ideas... Sailormoon: We did this last year, so we don't want to do that again (tho we did think about Aluminum Siren and Lead Crow, but I don't really want to wear something like that! I mean, it'd be cold! And buying/making wings for Lead Crow would be expensive/...

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when i was being tested

AUUUUGH!! I'm leaving Saturday and I still don't have my MOB sub done~!! I'll have all day tomorrow to do it, but still!! All I've got is the sketch... geez... And I know I'm like, being tested or something. My Card Captor Sakura 2nd volume came today, so I've had to force myself NOT to watch that and to try and get some work done. It helps that I don't ...

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when i can’t make up my mind

I'm really, really thinking of dumping either the Milly costume I was working on or my Utena costume. I'm not very far in either.... see, now I really want to go as Beatrix from ff9. Yeah! Whatchu think?