Old pics, part 1

I've been uploading some old costume pics from my external hard drive, just as a back-up, mostly. Some of them I haven't seen in YEARS. Heres a handful of ones I found funny or interesting; I'll just post a few now and some more later. This one cracks me UP because Kevin is passed out asleep behind me. This was his first con (mtac 04) - I guess it was really ...

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Finished Costume: Ling Xiaoyu

I finished my Ling Xiaoyu costume and got it added to my portfolio!

when i posted some animazement pics

Welllllll thanks a lot you stupid page... as soon as I email hispeed it comes back up. Now I'm going to get one of those "It comes up for us," emails. Bleh! I posted some pics I've found of ash and I at az in my livejournal, but here's a few more I've found: Ling Xiaoyus: She-Ra Misato Cosp/ACP 1, 2, 3 Lulu I wish I'd come on home with dad and ...

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Leaving for Animazement 2002

Yep, tomorrow at this time I'll be at Animazement :D I know this should go in my cosplay journal, but OH WELL! Xiaoyu... I'm pretty satisfied with Xiaoyu. I'll probably wear it most of the day friday, with Ash in her 1P Xiaoyu costume. Speaking of which, I painted the design on the back of Ash's Xiaoyu costume, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out :D Misato... I'm ...

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Misato and Xiaoyu updates

Ok, just a quick rundown here before I leave to go get ready for Star Wars... Got Misato's shirt made. I had originally bought one, but it turned out it was going to be too long and too bulky (it was a sweaterish type thing). So I made one in like, five seconds. It actually turned out just as good as anything I could buy. Finished Xiaoyu's hairthingies. She is ...

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Xiaoyu Almost finished

Finished Ling Xiaoyu yesterday!!!!!!! YAY! Well, ok, still have to make the ponytail holders, but that'll take no time. Got Misato's jacket just about made. We had the sleeves done and one attached... but I thought they were too fitted so we decided to remake them. I've spent the last twenty minutes ripping out the seam. I hate doing that. Anyway.

Xiaoyu shoes & Lulu makeup

Just about finished my Xiaoyu shoes last night. Also made my purple lulu necklace. I went to Mr Lincoln's day before yesterday and got some face makeup type stuff for Lulu. That lady asked what I was doing and I told her, and she actually knew who I was talking about it! (her son has been playing that game, she said) So she helped me pick out what would be ...

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Rally Vincent wig finished

Mum and I worked on Xiaoyu some more today. We got the stripes put up the sides and around the bottoms. That's about it, and that took most of the day :\ BUT.......... I finally finished my Rally Vincent wig!!! Ok, so not completely finished -- I need to trim the back some more, it's a bit too long. But that'll take like, five seconds. I mean, I got the hard ...

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Xiaoyu progress

Put the yellow trim on the shorts yesterday, and I cut out all the little decorative thingies and the thing on the back out of newspaper (for Xiaoyu, of course). Today I'll cut the decorative things out of the yellow fabric and go ahead and sew them on. Once that's done, all I need to do is the cuffs and the black pieces on the shoes.

Lulu and Xiaoyu updates

Well, today was pretty good! Cut out the front of my Lulu skirt... we've got to go get some boning tomorrow to start on the skeleton for underneath it. And we got a lot done on Xiaoyu today!! We got all the blue done, and most of the yellow at the top is done. Parts of that still have to be sewn on, along with the little things coming off ...

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