stranded at katsucon

Hi guys... um... I'm still here... at Katsucon. We got snowed in, our flight on sunday was cancelled. So we're STILL here. (I've never seen this much snow...) We supposedly have a flight out tomorrow. Ugh. I want to go home!

when ash posted for me

hey everyone. It's Ash. Kell wanted me to post and let you guys know that she hasn't abandoned you, but she's stuck in Washington on her way back from Katsucon. They've got, like, 3 feet of snow up there and the airports have shut down. could be the middle of the week before she gets home. Well that's all for now. I'll post again if anything changes. :)


I'm leaving for Katsucon! Let's hope the rain here slacks up so I can take off, and the snow slacks up there on Sunday so I can come home. :D As usual I have no idea when I'll be wearing what. I try to plan it out beforehand but it never works that way. Here are the costumes I'm taking... And to everyone else traveling to Katsucon today, have a ...

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when i was a poster child

Hee! Look at that goob who is the "poster child" for Harry Potter cosplay on cosplaylab. I cleaned my room last night. I started at like, 10:30 and stopped by 11:30 cause that's when the Buffy episode I was watching ended. Ha. Then I went to bed cause I was all tired, but ended up sitting there watching the rest of Vh-1's top 100 Dance Songs until 1. And I felt all dancy ...

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when i was going to be in a skit

Who has seen these pics from a ROTK (Man, it's hard not to type ROTJ) calendar? It looks like my Eowyn costume might end up in ROTK!! Woo! And the Aragorn pic, where he's wearing the Gondor symbol thingie, ah... *wipes tear* And I'm not much for Frodo but that picture had even me in giggles. For those of you who don't read my cosplay journal, I now have about ...

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when i was dating elijah wood and cath was mad

I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt I was going out with Elijah Wood, and Catherine was all pissed at me because of it. Wouldn't speak to me. I don't even like Elijah Wood that much, so I guess the dream was more about me and Cath than some kind of me and Elijah Wood. I even dreamt people were coming to my blog and bothering me because ...

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Katsucon and 12/15/02 to-do list

Mema said after the first of the year we'd get the plane tickets for Katsu. I'm going to call for our hotel room, tomorrow. After xmas, I'll do my registration and stuff. To Do List is very long: Jupiter: -Replace white ribbon on collar with yellow. -Make new sleeve toppers. -Replace stars/hearts? -Take back bow off, replace with ribbons. -Make second skirt. -Make white boots. Chun-Li -find different brown ...

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Katsucon 03 plans!

Today I'm going to get my katsucon room, my first thing for that. need to register. I still haven't found anyone to go with me. Sad face. My grandparents said they'd take me. So at least I got them. She even said she'd pay for the plane tickets, score. Katsucon is just going to be so weird, me being by myself. I don't talk to other people easily, especially without ...

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