when i stole pics from fan’s view

Oh yeah, pics. Selphie Ranma Utena & Ranma ACP shoot, COSP shoot, Jupiter (should have taken off my Utena makeup first, I guess?) RubyMoon in the contest.

Utena costume!

I'm not going to go into how long it took to make those shoulder thingies. I'm not satisfied with them but I'm running out of time. Still gotta trim the wig a little, and recurl the curls next to the face. I forgot to wear my ring for this pic :( I'd better not forget to take it with me to the con, or I'm gonna be pissed. Took a pic ...

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when i got some money

*is scared of the HPart ML* too many rules sooo confusing ;_; I'm debating whether or not to go to work today... on one hand I don't feel like it. On the other hand, I don't feel like it. On the third hand, my mother will kill me if I don't go. Waha now that I got paid and part of my credit card is paid off, I can finally go ...

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when i bought a lot of junk

Oh I forgot! I BOUGHT something else!! >D I ordered CardCaptor Sakura 1, 2, 9, and 10, and Trigun Maximum 4 and 5 from Sasuga the other day, and I was really surprised when they showed up yesterday. I hadn't expected them so soon at all. Sasuga is the greatest, I've had nothing but good experiences with them. I'm also buying some green boots to wear with my jupiter costume! I want to buy a ...

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halloween party

Something before I leave for the game: Halloween 2000 costumes! I finally got the film developed. Ash is young Professor McGonagall, Cath is SuperSailormoon, Sara is the girl in the kimino, my cousin Kevin is the knight, and I'm Jupiter. Laugh at us all you want. We had a hell of a time :D

when we went trick or treating

Well, I just got back from Trick or Treating, and boy are my arms tired! hahaha! We only stayed out about 40 minutes - Ash was burning up in her Wizard's capes. I didn't have too much trouble in my little jupiter costume tho LOL It was probably around 70 degrees out, really nice. A few kids yelled at me -- "Hi Jupiter!" "It's Sailormoon!" The best part was when I answered ...

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when i had a halloween party

Hi everybody! My party turned out great last night. My costume was awesome. Here's a pic! But what I'm here to tell you about is what happened at the mall yesterday. Cat and I went to pick up Ash so we could get back to my house to start decorating. We had to stop by the mall on the way back to pick up the cookie cake. Well, Catherine had ...

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when I tried to make boot covers

Good morning! I have to go to the fabric store today to buy... fabric!! *gasp* Gotta get more material for my boot covers for my costume. I saw Meet the Parents last night. Pretty funny. I'd talk more but I gotta get changed and go pick up Ashley and get to the bank before noon!!!

homework and costumes

wassup homies? I'm torn. Do I do homework, I do I draw Sirius? Before anyone says Sirius, my homework can be anything I want provided it has a transparency in it, so I was going to do Piper and Britan standing behind a window. Ah me, guess I'll do my homework. Man. We finished my SuperSailorjupiter costume, right? Let me just say this, if I were on TV, DIC would ...

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