hello good peoples

Seasonal allergies can DIAF. I took a benedryl last night before bed and this morning my eyes are still itching like crazy, it's driving me mad. Anyway. Let's talk sewing since that's the first thing in my pics for today. Last Monday I got home from work to a happy mail day! Star Trek TNG uniform pattern! WOO White knit for jedi Leia! But I wasn't super stoked about the ...

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that girl sheds like a labrador

THE PLAY IS OVER! It was really fun but I'm glad it's over! I totally stole the pic in my blog header because it was a great pic of the whole cast showing the whole stage. Program cover which I drew in case you couldn't tell. I had about 30 seconds of time onstage where I needed to look like I was doing something while sitting in a chair, so I ...

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I didn't post yesterday because I didn't really have much of anything to post about. So I gathered up some various scraps of photos and things to cobble together a post for today. Chase was out of town this weekend so I mostly just cleaned up the living space, organized some stuff. Played some video games. Went to Joann Saturday which is where most of this is going to come ...

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