its my birthday too

I think I'm going to have to change my weekly post date. Mondays have become too hectic. I like to post Mondays because the most stuff happens over the weekend, so I remember most everything. But I think I'm going to have to start looking at Tuesday or something. But I'm here to try to get a quick post out today. I've still been slogging through the photoshoot pics. Both ...

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dragoncon blues

HI! I'm home, and officially dead from dragoncon. So let's backtrack to Thursday morning! I got up at 5:30AM and Ash was there to pick me up before the sun was even fully up. We drove thru Silent Hill. The drive was pretty uneventful. We got into Atlanta around 2. Getting the car unloaded and into the room was painless! Somehow! Well, except for my GPS trying to take us to ...

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it’s your rare mid-week post

I don't have my phone today. It has made me very aware of how many times a day I reach for my phone for no particular reason. Like literally every 10 minutes. It's getting a new battery put in today. I wanted to just go ahead and buy a new phone, because it's time, but Chase said some new phone comes out in September so we should wait til then so ...

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a very moving weekend

Guess what! Chase and I are homeless. We closed on our house Friday. All done. The new owner takes possession a week from today, so we have until then to move out. It's so strange feeling. Like I said, I'm a little sad. It's been a great home. But before I get too far into all that, let's go back and start where I left off! I had Tuesday off ...

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