Lina & Urd wigs

I just bought my Lina wig. whew. It's now the most expensive wig I own. I wanted something that would look more natural than just a regular straight style wig. I bought it from the same people I got my She-Ra wig from. It's layered and really nice looking. It's a little darker than I really wanted, but... it's just so pretty! I'm trying to shoot for more realistic colours ...

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Ocha postponed

I think I may hold off on Ocha until DragonCon, and go ahead and do Faye for Otakon. Reason for this is, I was planning on wearing Ocha on Sunday at Otakon. That way if the green face makeup stains my skin, it wouldn't affect other costumes *g* But, we're going to have leave the hotel at like, 10AM to go to the airport, but ash and I were planning ...

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Excitement… upcoming cons

Goooosh I can't wait for Otakon! I'm looking forward to Animazement, too, of course, but Otakon...! My aunt, my grandparents, Kristie, Ash and me are all going, it's almost like a family vacation except with anime and costumes!! ooo I'm so excited! I've decided to hold off on Misato until Animazement, because I think we're only going to do MidSouthCon for one day. I'm still going to go ahead and ...

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Upcoming Costume Ideas…

Hmm... I'm gonna go out into the woods and take some new pictures of my elf costume this afternoon. Ash and I talked for a long time about our costumes at the basketball game saturday night. I can't find the stupid piece of paper where I wrote it all down, but Ash is looking at Meryl, pink outfit Ling Xiaoyu, and Ritsuko from Eva. She's still thinking about Rikku... I'm ...

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when i made cosplay plans

All right, pardon me but I gotta spill a little cosplay talk into Whisky. Not because I want to annoy you, no, it's because I need your opinion! The costumes I'm planning for next year... er, THIS year are: Rally Vincent (mostly done, will be won when bored at AZ), Misato's NERV uniform (for MidSouthCon in march) She-Ra (MidSouthcon in march) Lulu (Animazement in May) Faye Valentine (Animazement) Xianhua (Animazement) ...

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Upcoming Convention Schedule

happy new year! Hmmm... so far... MidSouthCon: She-Ra and Misato Animazement: Lulu, Xianhua, and Faye Otakon: Urd That's all I've got. I want at least one more costume for Otakon. I'd like to have 3 new ones for Otakon, but if I only have time for 2, that's cool. I'm going to take Utena with me Otakon, and Ruby Moon to Animazement if I get the minor mistakes fixed. I was considering ...

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when I made a cosplay survey

I hate having wet hair! Now I remember what I was going to do. I was going to comment on the poll so far. 1. Edea. I'm most likely going to do this for midsouthcon in march. I've always wanted to go as her, and I do NOT want to try to transport her big metal shoulder thing to an out of town con, so midsouthcon would have to be it... 2. ...

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when i almost got a faye costume

I was going to start complaining about how I couldn't find my other shoe, but then I found it, so I can't do that now. I was having this weird dream when mom started yelling at me to get up. My uncle called me and asked if I could come and be in his play THAT NIGHT. The kid he had playing Huck Finn couldn't come for some reason. So ...

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when i got some suggestions

Thanks for all the suggestions in the cosplay poll! I'm not familiar enough with Zelda to do her... nor would I want to do a dress (she does wear a dress right?) I don't like the whole princess thing... TMNT... ha, I think I did that once when I was like, 8... Terra/Rydia/Celes - once again, the familiarity problem... I know nothing about any of them, never played the ...

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