FAQ Friday: What was your first convention experience?

Today's question is... What was your first convention? My very first convention experiences were going to MidSouthCon with my parents when I was a kid. I don’t remember a lot about them and I don’t have any photos (although my mom claims she has some – if I ever see them, I’ll scan them!). One year I wore my Star Trek TNG suit. I bought a purple alien ...

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FAQ Friday: Wig Care & Styling

Today's question is... How do you store your wigs? How do you style your wigs? I am no wig expert. I’ve just kind of felt my way along and learned from other costumers. One of the biggest issue with wigs is that there is a dearth of information out there; on buying them, wearing them, and taking care of them. Only in the past few years with cosplay becoming ...

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FAQ Friday: Basic Costume Stuff!

Today's question is... a multitude! What kind of tights do you use? What do you wear underneath Slave Leia? What kind of wig caps do you recommend? etc! I thought I'd wrap all these kind of questions into one post about foundation costume basics. Some of this stuff will relate to my othe FAQs, but I thought it would be nice to have it all in one place. The underwear ...

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FAQ Friday: Your favourite con moments

Today's question is... What is your favourite moment at a convention? Oh gosh, I’m sure I have a lot and I’m sure I can’t remember them all. Meeting Stan Lee for the second time last year is definitely one. He is SO nice. Anytime I take my cousin Kevin to a convention! That's so fun. Winning 2nd place overall with Ash at A-Kon 2003. Going onstage for the ...

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FAQ Friday: Transporting Costumes

Today's question is... How do you transport so many costumes to a convention? This is a question I get a lot, especially when people see me bringing like 12-14 costumes to a convention like Dragoncon! Transporting Costumes when Flying I rarely fly to conventions anymore, but back in the day I flew a lot. My first few conventions I had my costumes in my suitcase, but after one or two ...

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FAQ Friday: Costume Fails

Today's question is... "Have you ever had a costume fail?" Oh yes! Most of them are minor, thankfully, so I’m only going to scan over the “big” ones! Enchantress - I had a major wig meltdown at ECCC 2011. I just couldn’t get my wig to work with the crown and got super frustrated. I ended up having to wear my Ms Marvel wig which is not what I’...

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FAQ Friday: Costuming in the heat, cold and rain

Today's question is... What can I do if the weather is going to be bad during my event? What if it rains/snows/is below freezing? I’ve been to conventions where it’s been absolutely sweltering and miserable (A-Kon! Dragoncon!), and cons where it’s absolutely FREEZING outside (Katsucon! Con Nooga!), and cons where it’s been pouring rain (Celebration 3!) or snow (Katsucon! Again!) the entire time. The best ...

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FAQ Friday Part Two: DragonCon

(this post was updated 12/27/13 with new post-Dragoncon 2013 info!) I'm doing two FAQ Fridays today, since someone asked about DragonCon, and I want to post it before the con this year! Today's question is... Do you have any tips for a newbie attending DragonCon for the first time this year? (more…)

FAQ Friday: Carrying your essentials while in costume!

Today's question is... "How do you carry your stuff (phone, ID, etc) while you're in costume?" Make your friends do it, haha. Really, though, it is a pain to figure out how to keep your ID, money, key(s), phone, etc with you while you’re in costume. Firstly, pare it down to the bare basics you need to have with you. I keep my ID and hotel key card ...

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How I wear so many costumes at a con – part 2

Since it's Dragoncon season again, the question keeps coming up - "How do you wear so many costumes at a convention??" I've answered the question here at my blog once before, but I thought I'd tackle it again, this time a little less tongue-in-cheek. The amount of costumes I can take/wear depend on several factors. 1. On-site Hotel Staying at the hotel where the convention is happening is a huge ...

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