FAQ Friday: Cosplay Photography

Today's question is... How do you find a photographer? How much should I pay for a photographer? How do you get good pics of your costumes? My first rule of thumb for getting photos of your costumes is to take your own. "Pics or it didn't happen!" as the quote goes. Get a friend or a parent or somebody to snap a photo of your costume for you. They may ...

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FAQ Friday: Cosplay Injuries

Today's question is... Have you ever had a cosplay injury? Have you ever had a cosplay fail? I already answered the "cosplay fail" question here! So I'll just focus on injuries or other weird stuff. Let's see... I sliced my finger open while cutting the holes for the grommets on my cousin’s Cinderella bodice. Got some blood on the interior, but thankfully it came out. I broke a needle ...

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FAQ Friday: Deciding on Costumes

Today's question is... "How do you decide what costumes to make?" "How do you decide what costumes to wear at a convention?" "How do you schedule your costumes for a con?" Well, when deciding what costumes to make, first we decide on what conventions we are going to – generally we do one "new" convention (like C2E2 this past year, Timegate in 2012, Emerald City ComicCon in 2011), 2-3 local cons, and ...

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FAQ Friday: Construction

Today's question is... What's your favourite part of making a costume? whats your favorite part of construction The beginning and the end. Haha, no, really! The beginning is so exciting. I love gathering up reference pictures and sourcing materials and wigs and shoes. I love mulling over how I’m going to tackle it in my head. I probably spend more time at work thinking about costume construction than I ...

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FAQ Friday: SDCC vs Dragoncon

Today's question is... The age old question: SDCC or Dragoncon? It’s seriously like comparing apples and oranges. I’ve been to both – Dragoncon every year since 2002, and SDCC for 2004-2006, so I've seen the ups and downs of both conventions. SDCC’s perks are pretty apparent from all the news you see covering it. You’ve got the chance to see and meet big stars, and exciting news and ...

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FAQ Friday: Costume Contests

Today's question is... Have you ever competed in a masquerade? How many costume contests have you won? I used to, a lot! When I first started out, back in the early days, it was sort-of expected of you - it’s where you showed off your latest and best costume. After a few years I realized, I don’t really enjoy this. So I stopped. I occasionally enter contests, but ...

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FAQ Friday: Most difficult costumes

Today's question is... What was the most difficult costume to make? What was the most difficult costume to wear? To make, I’d say Yuuko – and you’d probably say, huh?! Because who would think my answer would be Yuuko. It was just one of those projects that was problem after problem to the point that by the end, I was like, “screw it, I’m done with this, I ...

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Why white?

I've had a few people ask me over the past few years why I shoot my costumes on a white backdrop. Well, let me back up for a second and kinda go off topic; I've had people ask why I photoshop the background out of my costume pictures before. I don't, they're shot on a white backdrop as can be seen here! Now back on topic, why I shoot my ...

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FAQ Friday: Shyness and Cosplay

Today's question is... "how do you cosplay if you’re shy?" This is a good one, because I’m super shy. I’m guessing most people wouldn’t look at a cosplayer and guess that they’re shy. “You’re dressed as Slave Leia and you’re shy?!” Being shy doesn’t always equal being shy about what you wear. I’m perfectly comfortable wearing something like Slave Leia in ...

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FAQ Friday: Making a bodice

Today's question is... How did you make your Wonder Woman bodice? For basic bodices for costumes, I have a couple of commercial patterns I like to riff on. My FAV is Simplicity 5006. I know it like the back of my hand and know exactly where to take it in to make it fit the way I like, and I've altered it to be underbust, to have padding, etc. I have ...

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