Old pics part 2

A couple of old pics! vroom vroom... I will stab you... Winning a Frodo statue at Dcon 2003...

when lotr invaded my life

LOTR has invaded my life: -I keep saying "I care not" instead of "I don't care" -At work we have a flyer we send to people and at the bottom it says "We care about your little ones." And everytime I read it, I think, "(gasping)They took the little ones!!" -Again at work, a random round piece of red velcro stuck on a shelf got decorated with a black ...

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Finished Costume: Eowyn

My Eowyn costume is finished and has been added to the portfolio!

Eowyn progress

Finished the bulk of the Eowyn dress. Need to fix the collar, add the sleeves and do the hem. And then finish the vest.


Went to Hancock's yesterday!! I got a LOT of stuff. -Fabic for Eowyn dress. -Ribbon for Eowyn vest. -Rope for Eowyn sleeves. -Fabric for Chun-Li -Ribbon for Chun-Li -Fabric for Chun-Li's belt -Light green material for Jupiter -Green and Light green ribbons for Jupiter Some dye and zippers and thread and stuff too. Cutting out Eowyn's dress tonight.

Eowyn Shieldmaiden

For ROTK I want to do Eowyn's white dress with the brown vest over it. At first I wanted to do this pretty green dress of hers but I think I like the white one better. I'd like to do her in armor from ROTK... for ROTK... but I don't think I'd want to wear armor in the theater... you know?

when i wanted to make an eowyn costume

Mom's back from DC. She brought me back a monkey :D Think I'll name it Chico. Sorry to spill a little cosplay talk over here, but... deal! I've been looking through all the Eowyn pics I've collected so far, and I'm really pleased... my She-Ra wig will work for it, too! Yay! In the handful of actual movie shots I've found, her hair isn't braided tho... I may go ahead ...

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