when i finished my elf cloak

Have a viddy at my purple cloak! I posted it over at my cosplay journal but figgered I'd better post it here, too.

Dazzler and Elf pics

I finished my purple cloak: I actually worked some on Dazzler last night- still not finished, but at least I did SOMETHING:

Capes, X-Wing Boxes, dogs

the workroom with pictures of what I'm working on now (plus a picture of arwen's hope dress, which I'm NOT working on), and you can see my padme and quigon fabric on the far left. Ash's nasty workspace!! all that styrofoam! Ash's X-Wing Pilot chestbox in progress- looking awesome. My workspace - cutting padme petals for the cape. The cloak I'm working on. Finished except the bottom hem and heming ...

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Shopping and Manga Belldandy updates

Fixed some random broken and non working things around the site. Any outside links should NOT open in these little windows - so let me know if you see any that do. I think I got them all but I can't be sure. I finally decided on my second Dragoncon 2004 costume - I'm not telling what it is though! It's a secret because I think it's so cool and awesome ...

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when I got a sword

My parents FINALLY gave in, after 3 Christmases of asking for it, they finally got me Glamdring (Gandalf's sword). It's SWEET!! Also some action figures, clothes, LOTR trival pursuit, lots of DVDs, purple velvet for a cloak. All in all a very good haul. I'm going to have breakfast and put my things away. Going to my aunt's this afternoon for Christmas with my paternal side of the family, and this ...

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ensconced in velvet

Mom gave me some purple velvet for Christmas to be used to make a cape. Buuut now I'm all tempted to make the Arwen Hope Dress with it instead. That's my favourite dress from LOTR, I think... I love the colours. I'll have to measure it and see how many yards I've got...

Elf Cloak Pics

Not much going on. Got a few elf pics uploaded to the site. I didn't get many pics taken cause I forgot and set the camera on higher quality... plus the sun decided to come out for the 20 minutes we were out there and then go back in once we were done. stupid sun! oh well. Went over to my aunt's office yesterday and looked at the hotel for Otakon. ...

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Finished Costume: Elf Cloak

My Rivendell elf cloak is finished and has been added to my portfolio!

Baby Indy & Elf Cloak

Like I said at my blog yesterday, I had a bunch of film developed over the weekend and one roll was from four years ago. Look how little Indy is!! Annnnd I officially updated my site finally. I've been updating it little by little since the con in November, but I finally got the con report up, and announced the update on the front page, so it's offical now. My ...

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Elf cloak updates

I got the fabric for my cloak today. I knew I wanted velvet, like the Rivendell elves, but the green velvet I first chose was too expensive (even on sale... I needed 5 yards, and it was $10 a yard). So I got a deep, deep green, almost dark grey - I think it's perfect. Mom insists it's not green at all, but it does have a green tint to it, I ...

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