i got nothing

I really don't have much of anything at all to share this week, I almost was like, nah no reason to post this week, I'll save the handful of things I have for next week's post. But I figured I ought to check in before the surgery later this week. I'm SO excited. Not for like surgery but just for the end result. And less anxious than I normally am ...

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hoa hoa hoa

I'm sorry yall, I still have nothing to post about this week LOL. But I am trying to get back into the habit of my Monday morning postings. A few costume-y notes - got another set of swatches for Troi. One I like ok, I think it looks fairly close to how the dress looks on screen, but it doesn't really look like the auction photos. The Auction photos are ...

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oh my god

I did not post last week... AGAIN! Well I didn't have much to talk about so it's not like anyone was missing anything. I've been having to go to the doctor every dang week, excluding the week to disney, and it's really starting to fray my nerves. They're trying to get my blood pressure under control before surgery later this month and checking in and tweaking things weekly. Now this ...

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it’s the 2024 costume wrap-up post

Finally! Ok as usual let's start with what I SAID I wanted to make in 2024 at the end of 2023, and see how I did: 1. Honeymoon Leia - YES! This was kind of a given considering it was mostly done when I made this list in December 2023. 2. Star Wars Cruise Dress - YES! Turned out so cute! 3. Baylan and Shin - YES! Though I still need to drag Chase in front ...

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Oh my god you should see your faces

I'm back with a huge dump of content. Let's start with white backdrop shoot round 1 results! Also portfolio entries for all 3 of these are updated with more pics and any other little notes I wanted to add since Dragoncon. Mara Jade: Shin Hati: Taylor Swift: Speaking of Taylor Swift... time for a trip recap! We left bright and early Halloween morning and drove to Louisville. Had dinner at a troll ...

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