2007 in review

Well since I'm mostly done for the year - outside of my little secret project - I'm gonna go ahead and post this. I've had it done for a while actually LOL At the beginning of the year, this is what I wanted to accomplish... keeping in mind that when I wrote this, Chase hadn't proposed yet and changed a lot of our plans for the year!! 1. Ceremonial Leia v.2 ...

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The costumes that never were…

While cleaning the other day I came across printed references and drawings I'd gotten together for costumes I ended up not doing. I thought it would be funny to look back and see what I had planned to do, but never did. I tried to figure out the year/con I was planning it for, if I could remember. I didn't include things I started on and still plan on ...

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2006 in review

At the beginning of the year I said I wanted to do: 1. Hoth Leia 2. Darth Vader 3. Padme's Lake dress 4. Bespin Leia 5. Finish Yuuko 6. Padme's Funeral Dress 7. Wonder Woman 8. The Bride 9. White Witch 10. Dorothy 11. ANH Leia 12. Team Zissou outfit So what did I finish? Hoth Leia? Yes, plus Bespin Escape: Darth Vader? Yes: Padme Lake Dress? Yes, twice!: Bespin Leia? Nope. Bought the materials, haven't touched them. Finish Yuuko? Somewhat - ...

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New Vibro-Ax! Leia Photoshoot, and Christmas Parade Pics!

First off, my new toy came today! oh heck yes... New Leia pics we took a while back-- I want to do the Rebel Legion trading cards this time around, so I needed better pics of some of my costumes. Next up - padme lake dress -- stormtrooper -- imperial officer -- maybe the parade dress Although, speaking of that, when I was cleaning and organizing my costume closet the ...

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Breha Organa

On a random note, sometime (more than likely next year, as I don't have time for it this year), if Chase ever decides to make the Bail Organa costume, I seriously want to make Breha to go with it. It's such a pretty costume. Hopefully I'm going to make a fabric store run tomorrow. If I don't get sidetracked at work, that is.

2006 Schedule

First off, Ash FINALLY gave me the C3 pictures from her camera - I added them here - they're down at the bottom. A few of note: Me and dad, me and dad again, stabbing!!, What am I so happy about? Right now I'm working on Leia's Hoth outfit... I'm focusing on just the jumpsuit for now, I hope to have it done in time for Shadowcon Jan 6. I doubt ...

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when i thought about halloween costumes

Well she-oot, I dun furgot what I was gonna talk about... Hmmm... how about Halloween costumes for NEXT year? :D (ok, this is gonna be a crappy free talk. I had a good idea on monday for a new free talk, but I've forgotten...) Costume Idea #1. Chun-Li. So it's been done to death. But I'VE never done it. And it would be fun :D Only problem is... the costume!! I ...

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