A-Kon 2005 Pics & SDCC Plans!

First off - I actually won the Amidala Look a Like Contest at Cosplaylab. I couldn't believe it, there were so many good entries, and people I knew - I was hoping to get maybe honorable mention, but - yay! It made my weekend. SO I didn't get Yuuko *completely* finished - I'm going to get it finished for MTAC next year. I didn't attach the sleeves to the bodice, ...

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Hello from A-Kon

My rebel bird tattoo. It's mostly healed. I'm really proud of myself for getting it done, I had wanted one for years and years but was always too scared. :) A-kon is OK - I'm mostly here for my cousin, we're just doing whatever he wants to do. So if anybody sees me, I'll just be wandering... :P

A-Kon 2005 Plans

Argh! I found the other Jupiter glove (whew!) but I've lost one of my hair bands, the earrings, and the choker. The hair band and earrings aren't a big deal (I can wear one hair band and leave the earrings off, of course), but the choker... it was my original choker, from my first Jupiter costume, and it'll be impossible to match that fabric to remake it. I'll have to ...

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A-Kon woes

I'm trying to figure out what else to take to A-Kon. Jupiter is NOT going to happen...if I rushed I could get it done... but I'm not all that excited to do it at the moment, I'd rather focus on the next Arwen, so I pushed Jupiter back to MTAC next year. Anyway - For A-Kon, I'm definitely taking regular Belldandy, and most likely Mara Jade (if I can ...

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A-Kon 2004 Pics!

I'm actually not too worn out from Akon!! HP3= liked it. I thought I'd fall asleep in it, but I didn't! I did my 2 panels on friday, and they both went well. I wore all my costumes and even spent time OUT of costume. I actually ate well. I met some really cool people in the bar of the hotel. I don't wanna say who because I'm only 99% sure that ...

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Hello from A-Kon 2004!

So I'm here at Akon! yay! this room is HUGE. It's awesome.

AKon Panelist

from mtac, from usagichan.com! hee I'm going to be on a cosplay panel at Akon... scary! :B Also maybe a wig care/styling panel (whoo!) Speaking of which, instead of studying for the two tests I have tomorrow or writing the 7 page essay that's due on friday last night, I randomly got out that crimpy, wild wig I was going to use for Jack Sparrow. I straightened it, thinned ...

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when akon worked out perfectly

Perfect!!! When I'm in Dallas for Akon, there's going to be a Guitar Festival the same weekend. Anime con for me, Guitar festival for dad. It's perfect! Almost too good to be true! I'm really glad. I know Dad gets bored at these things with me, so he can go have fun at the guitar festival instead of hanging around at the con. Heck, there's so many big names on ...

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when i decided to go to akon

Man, who is not thinking here? I found cheapass tickets for Akon, so I'm going this year even after I said I wasn't. But they were sooooo cheap! Anyway - I made my reservations and everything before checking, and turns out it's the same weekend as HP 3 opening :( So I'm going to be at the stinky con instead of going to the movie with my friends. maybe there will be ...

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A-Kon 2003 pics!

A-kon! Ash and I won 2nd place overall. freak OUT. We were so tired and in so much pain (wigs, wings, what have you) that it didn't really register with us until sunday that we had won. Friday We left the house at 3:30 AM and drove to Little Rock. We got turned around and lost once in Little Rock, but eventually found the airport. No one in line, we walked ...

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