Hawking Gown – Unused Concept

Originally posted Feb 4 2019.

In my head this Padme directly after her rule has ended, just going out and doing some hobbies like doing whatever kind of sport you’d do with this alien bird thing. I keep calling it the “Hawking” gown like the old sport of hunting small game with a hawk, and I leaned that way in the design a bit – a Tudor-esque outdoor sporting outfit. I don’t think she’d actually hunt though. Just the inspiration.
I imagine the cropped jacket to be made of a very soft grey leather with dyed, inset designs and a sort-of wrap closure. Fitted green and black bodice worn underneath. White chemise-style underdress worn under everything; sleeves are seen on the non-gloved hand. Layered skirts in different tones of green, with a modern design on the front tabard.


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