So this project has a bit of a convoluted history.
In 2010, I decided I’d start drawing one thing a day. It was a goal to get myself back into the habit of drawing again, something that had fallen by the wayside for me in the prior years. My goal was to produce one finished piece of art a day. So I went as simple as I could – simple drawings of characters I knew and loved (Disney and Star Wars), done in flat colour. And some of them I really liked how they turned out. Some of them… not so much. They were often rushed in my hurry to get one posted each day. I petered out around May of 2010… but I had produced a decent amount of art in that time – just in varying degrees of quality.
Over the next couple of years I’d occasionally play around with updating the art from the 2010 project. In early 2018 I finally one day thought, let’s really dig into this. I started out by just touching up the existing versions. Then that turned into, what characters/costumes am I missing, that I could add in? I ended up really focusing on the Padme pieces from 2010, because they’d been so much fun to do, and I hadn’t fully done all of her costumes in 2010.
And then it became a beast of its own! I went from “touching up the 2010 versions of Padme” to doing completely new versions. Then I decided to add in her Clone Wars costumes too, because my brain wants things to be complete. Then I said I was done. I was not going to do any of the concept art stuff. Nope. Project is done, canon costumes only. So then I started doing the concept art. LOL. Honestly the concept art pieces were my favourite to interpret; I’ll never have the time or money to actually physically MAKE 99% of those costumes, but I got to think about it while drawing them; figuring out what fabric I’d use, how this scribble could be turned into jewelry, what colours I wanted to see Padme wear.
In the end I had 100 Padmes; roughly half canon costumes (Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Clone Wars, and Revenge of the Sith) and half concept costumes. I’ve sorted them here “chronologically” – the concept costumes peppered in between the canon costumes.