

This is a Retired Costume! Costumes in this category are old, retired, or worn once, or just don’t have enough information to warrant a full portfolio page.

Naru – Love Hina
Made in 2002
Other Appearances: N/A

Back during this era I would often troll around ebay, looking up cosplay items (back when the search term “cosplay” only gave you about 50 returns), and trying to build costumes out of stuff I found. This costume was the result of that – I bought the red skirt, then searched around til I found a yellow sweater I liked to go with it.

The tights and shoes were from other costumes, and I just taped (TAPED) my hair up into the antenna.

I never intended for it to be something serious I’d take to a con. I sold it not long after taking this one test pic – made back more than I spent on it!

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