

This is a Retired Costume! Costumes in this category are old, retired, or worn once, or just don’t have enough information to warrant a full portfolio page.

Naru – Love Hina
Made in 2002
Other Appearances: N/A

Back during this era I would often troll around ebay, looking up cosplay items (back when the search term “cosplay” only gave you about 50 returns), and trying to build costumes out of stuff I found. This costume was the result of that – I found this great red tennis skirt, then searched around til I found a yellow sweater I liked to go with it. And ta-da, Naru costume! Love Hina was super popular at the time, and this seemed like a great little downtime costume I could take to conventions for late night wearing, wearing to dinner, etc, basically anytime I wanted something that was closer to normal clothes but still wanted to be in costume.

The tights were from Chun-Li and the shoes were some dress shoes I had – I think they are the shoes that eventually became my Asuka shoes – and I just taped (TAPED) my hair up into the antenna. Hey I tried a few other things, but these were just test pics and the tape worked, so whatever right!

I never intended for this to be a “serious” costume as I said above, and after I took the test shots I decided the costume was actually kinda boring and I was probably never going to wear it to a con. (For those little downtime costumes, you gotta find a balance of “comfy” while it still being an interesting costume. If it’s boring and nobody cares about it, what’s the point of being in costume? You might as well go put on sweats and actually be comfortable!)

I sold it not long after taking the test pics – made back more than I spent on it, so that was a positive!

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