This is a Retired Costume! Costumes in this category are old, retired, or worn once, or just don’t have enough information to warrant a full portfolio page.
Julia – Cowboy Bebop
Made for MTAC 2010
Other Appearance: N/A
I had bought a new black bodysuit for Black Widow and Selene; I decided to go ahead and cobble together a Julia costume out of it as well. Might as well get my money’s worth right?? We were attending MTAC in 2010 and I didn’t have any anime costumes to take with me otherwise! Well, I mean, I had anime costumes, they were all just pretty old at that point LOL
The wig and boots I already had, sunglasses I bought. I made the neckband out of some scrap black spandex and it velcros on. The main work went into the belt. Drew up a pattern for the shape, then used that as a guide to trace onto some scrap leather leftover from some project (probably Boushh). Cut that out, painted it silver, and then attached straps to the front panel that would go around the back and snap closed.
I haven’t worn this since MTAC 2010, and worst part about that is that I lost my full size photos from this event, so I literally only have the 600px tall internet JPG versions of these photos. So one of these days I’ve got to get myself together, get some new sunglasses (the original ones went into my regular sunglasses rotation and broke eventually), and get this shot on the white backdrop before it gets too much older!