

This is a Retired Costume! This category includes costumes that are old, retired, or worn once, or just don’t have enough information to warrant a full portfolio page.

Elvish Cape – Lord of the Rings
Made in 2001

In 2001, for the Fellowship of the Ring midnight show, I put together an “elf” costume. Most of it was out of my own closet – the shirt was a dress shirt I had, the pants were some green trousers (I don’t even know why I had those? I don’t remember ever wearing them!) and the boots were my Quistis boots.

I did make the cape though. Mom and I found a really nice, deep grey-ish green stretch velvet at Hancock, and it looked REALLY similar to the velvet capes seen on the elves in the Rivendell scene. We used a basic cape pattern, the edges are just turned and sewn, and attached a black and gold ribbon at the neck. I put it all together and wore it to the midnight show! It was a nice comfy little costume.

Since then, I’ve worn this cape with a ton of other costumes over the years; it’s come in handy when I need to be in costume during cold months but don’t want to wear a coat over my costume.

Read more at my elf tag.

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