Princess Leia – Star Wars (Endor Gear)

Made for: Dragoncon 2007

Background: I hadn’t planned on doing this costume so soon; but everything fell into place to go ahead and start on it. šŸ™‚

Journal Entries: Read more at my Endor Leia tag

Related Costumes: Huttslayer Leia, Rebel Uniform Leia, Boushh, Ewok Village Leia

Patterns Used:
None (see my Rebel Leia page for patterns used on the uniform section)


Everything underneath the poncho is my rebel uniform from 2005 – except I made new pants. I never liked how tight and stiff my 2005 pants were, so I made new ones out of a softer knit material and they fit muccch better now. Also added stirrups to the bottom to keep them in the boots correctly. (I know I used a pattern for these pants but no clue what!) I did pull the ribbon stripe off the 2005 pants and reuse it on my 2007 pants, I still liked the colour of that and didn’t want to have to find something new.

The belt is not my original Rebel Uniform one, either – it’s a new one made of webbing material and it velcros cloesd in the back. Chase made the holster for me, and we picked up the gun on the RPF and just gave it a quick coat of black before the con.


The poncho is actually my second, my first one that I was really happy with I ruined about a week before the con. Had to start all over! (long story) But I got the second one finished and got enough dye on it that it was wearable. I’m still not 100% happy with the colour – I plan on re-dyeing it at a later date. I just laid the poncho down flat and had a couple of small containers with different greens and tan dyes in them, and sponged them on.

Anyway, I made the poncho without a pattern – it’s basically just a big rectangle. HERE is the poncho laid out flat with its measurements. (on the measurements – for reference, I am 5’4″ so you’ll need to up or lower the measurements depending on your own height.) I cut a neckhole where I wanted it (not quite in the middle – I wanted the back longer than the front) and added the “hood” around it. The hood on mine is not functional, it’s more like a long collar piece. It’s a long rectangle that I attached to the neck opening, and at the back, and sewed up what was too long to be attached at the back. Here is a view of it from the side, and here is one from the front.

Looking back on this as I’m updating these notes in 2025, I would have made this differently now, but its fine for what it was. I do have plans to remake this soon so fingers crossed I actually do that.


The base helmet is one of the WWII flying helmets – luckily I have a very small head and could fit one of the smaller sizes that is easier to find! I added the pleated/ribbed section to the top. The “donut” came from the RL group Endor Bunker, my husband put it together, painted it and weathered it for me. I added the bill to it made out of the same fabric I used for the pleated section on the top of the fabric helmet.


I need to find another chance too wear this and do some updates.

(2025 update: I have had fabric to completely remake this for about 5 years now. And I just haven’t done it. I swear I will one day.)

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