Padme – Star Wars (Snowbunny)

Made for: Summer 2008

Background: My husband asked me to put this together to match his new Clonetrooper for a 501st event we were doing, since I already had most of the materials.

Journal Entries: Read more at my Padme Snowbunny tag

Related Costumes: Ahsoka

Patterns Used:

None, though I used Benaequee’s tutorial for my cape.


This was a white spandex bodysuit I already had on hand – had bought it for another costume and decided not to use it, and it was perfect for this. I added a hood made out of white spandex to it.


I found the fluffy trim on the clearance rack at Hobby Lobby sometime back, so I bought all they had and just tucked it away. For the cape, I used BenaeQuee’s notes and tutorial (link above) on how she made hers – it was really pretty simple. I decided to use matte white satin for the outside, and ice blue satin for the lining. I handsewed the trim on. The ties were some cording I bought, and sewed some of the trim to the end of it.


The gloves, and the boots I already had. The belt is my battle Padme belt. I sewed some of the furry trim around pieces of elastic to make the glove and boot toppers, so they wouldn’t be permanent since I use those pieces for other costumes.


When I sold my battle Padme several years ago I also sold the belt, so I haven’t been able to wear this costume since then, since I no longer have the belt. But I still have everything else, so I’ll either sell what’s left one day, or update it… we’ll see.

2025 Update note: So back in 2020 I really wanted to include this costume in a tiktok video, so I made a very quick belt out of stuff I had laying around (because it was the depths of covid and couldn’t go anywhere). It’s made out of canvas I painted white, and you can see it in the progress photos below. It’s… not bad?? Not as good as a leather belt but hey. It’s something. BUUUUT now the original boots have died (my Sailor Jupiter boots from 2003!) so again I now can’t wear this anymore. Isn’t that the way.

RIP Boots

Last minute belt

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Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.