Rogue – X-Men (Movies Version)

Made for: Dragoncon 2007

Background: My husband got the idea he wanted to go as Wolverine for Dragoncon – just a quick simple costume put together with stuff from ebay. We decided I ought to go as Rogue, but didn’t have time to make anything new, so I also bought the suit on ebay.

Journal Entries: Read more at my Movie Rogue tag

Related Costumes: Rogue as Ms Marvel, Shi’ar Rogue, Blue Suit Rogue, Age of Apocalypse Rogue

Construction: (or, lack there of)


We found a seller on ebay who made movie suits, asked if they could make the Rogue version, and decided to go ahead and buy one. Once it arrived, it was a good size or two too big, so I had to take it up a lot. You can still tell it’s a little baggy through the arms and chest. My husband also picked up his Wolverine jacket from an ebay seller, and our duo was complete šŸ™‚


For the hair, I ended up buying a cheap white wig, cutting the front off, and wearing it clipped onto the front of my own hair. For the ponytail I used my Belle clip-on ponytail I use for her bun in the ballgown hairstyle.


We had an awesome time wearing these at Dragoncon, especially with the X-Men movie group. I’ve since sold it.

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Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.