Selphie – Final Fantasy 8

Made for: Animazement 2001

Background: I wanted to do Selphie too, after doing my Quistis costume. Not knowing much of anything about sewing, I thought this would be really easy to make – in my head, I thought I could just wrap yellow fabric around me and add straps šŸ™‚ My grandmother taught me a lot about patterns with this costume.

Journal Entries: Read more at my Selphie tag

Related Costumes: Lulu, Quistis, Yuffie

Patterns Used:
Unsure – may have been one that belonged to my grandmother.


This costume was so early in my costume career, it was entirely made over at my grandma’s house! I picked a plain yellow cotton for this. I added the lighter yellow pockets to the back using some material my grandmother already had. My grandmother also made me a pair of yellow shorts to wear underneath it. The overalls are permanently sewn on – the dress zips up the back.


I made the wristband from leftover t-shirt material, and I had the necklace. I bought the boots on ebay.


I decided since my hair was too long, I would wear a hat ala Irvine (similar to the end of the game). That way I could put my hair up in pigtails underneath it and curl the ends to kinda get her flipped up look.


I made the nunchucks out of poster tubes, painted, and joined together with a piece of chain.


I wore this a lot at cons in 2001-2002, because it was so comfortable. The last time I wore it was for a photoshoot in 2004.


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Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.