Lulu – Final Fantasy X

Made for: Animazement 2002

Background: It was honestly a toss-up between Rikku and Lulu, and I decided to do Lulu because I thought it was more interesting šŸ™‚

Journal Entries: Read more at my Lulu tag

Related Costumes: Selphie, Quistis, Yuffie

Patterns Used:
McCalls 2790, McCalls 2799


I had wanted a faux leather for the grey sleeves and skirt, but couldn’t find anything I liked, so I used a faux suede instead. The sleeves I made without a pattern and later attached them to the corset. This was the first corset/bodice we ever made – my mom and I gnashed our teeth over this thing. Used a pattern – only after it was finished did I remember the grey stripes, and had to sew them over the top of the boning, so they ended up a little wonky. We used plastic boning, and it wouldn’t stay in place, so it turns and twists within its channel all the time, which is uncomfortable. Also had trouble with the eyelets (they wouldn’t stay in) and fit – it was a bit too big. (After this project I swore off eyelets and plastic boning! To this day, 2025, I am a grommets and steel boning girl) The fur trim for the top I got by buying a faux fur jacket and cutting it up.


The skirt I made using a pattern – I wish I’d widened and lengthened it more. All the trim I was originally going to paint on but ran out of time – I bought a ton of bridal trim at Hancock Fabrics and attached it instead. My dad engineered a “belt-of-belts” for the underskirt… it’s made out of heavy vinyl and supports the belt pieces attached in the front and snaps around the waist. (all of the belts were bought from local second-hand stores for about a dollar a piece) It’s heavy but it’s not too difficult to move in. The skirt attaches to it along the sides with velcro.


The necklaces I made of various painted beads, and sculpey. The thigh highs I bought, the boots I had. The earrings I made. The cactaur I bought on ebay.


The wig was styled by my friend Frankie! I love it. I need to fix it up and take some nice shots of it one day.


I only wore this three times – once for Animazement, once for Otakon to match my friend’s Yuna and once for a photoshoot. Since 2002 it has been living in pieces in various bins. The cactaur has been lost (Maaaaybe somewhere in my parents attic?). I would love love love to get it all out, repair it, clean it up and shoot it on the white backdrop but I have no idea if it’ll ever be possible. We’ll see.

Lulu (2002) Lulu on the dressform

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Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.