April O’Neil – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Made for: Dragoncon 2006

Background: When my husband decided he wanted to do a turtle costume for Dragoncon, I thought I’d be April to match him.

Journal Entries: Read more at my April O’Neil tag

Patterns Used: None


I found a vintage 70s jumpsuit on ebay (homemade, even). I cut the belt off, and took the hem out of the sleeves and legs. I lucked out in that the legs had a lot of extra fabric at the bottom hem- I was able to cut them off, rehem them, and use the excess to make the pockets for the top.


The boots I already had; the belt I made out of white vinyl. The wig I had originally bought for Mara Jade and never used – I gave it a trim and decided to use it. It was nice to be able to carry a camera with me and not have to hide it, though I would have loved to have had some vintage 80s camera or microphone instead!


These were a lot of fun to wear together. We’ve since sold both April and the Turtle and hopefully they’re got good new homes šŸ™‚

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Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.